This thing I'm feeling right now - what is it, can
you tell me? I've gotten all too familiar with it for the past few months now, yet I can't quite make out what is it. This throbbing pain I feel, it tugs so hard it literally hurts my physical self. What kind of pain is this, can
you tell me? Can
you stop it?
1:01 AM
"I hate the way you
talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I
hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and
the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when
you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that
you're not around, and the fact that you
didn't call. But mostly
I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
10 Things I Hate About You, off
2:38 AM
Just some random pictures taken using my handphone which are long overdue. Have fun browsing, I hope.

At the coffeeshop having
'zhi cha' on my 18th with Yufen, Fanny, Yang, Rui and Paul!

The cake from
Patissier the guys surprised me with on my 18th. Don't underestimate this little thing; it actually made me cry. I'll never forget what exactly happened. Really really happy that night. Thanks once again! :)

Sobbing after they presented the cake...

Grinning like an idiot after all that silliness.

Yufen, me and Fanny at Essential Brews.

Tofu blocks we got from the capsule machines!

Drew this on one of our MSN conversation windows. Look like the real thing above not?

Voodoo dolls! Who the hell makes voodoo dolls that can actually look this cute?!

Little Brown Bun a.k.a. 小馒头 stall at ECP. Yum.

Jack the bobbly head! Yep, it's Jack from Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas.

This is how my hair looks now. Okay, I know the picture is reddish and all, but still can see a bit of the highlights right? Took this at Nooch during dinner with Guohao and all.

MySG trio.

Al fresco dining at
MySG. It didn't used to look like that before.
4:15 PM
Is it only human to be afraid of losing something you possess?
It's always the case, isn't it? To be afraid of losing something
only when you possess it. When it is out of your reach, you pine, you yearn, you hope - that it would one day be yours. And when you finally
do own it, the only thing you're afraid of, is to lose that possession of it. So tell me, what's the point then, if you live in constant fear
(instead of living happily now that you actually own it) that you will eventually lose it someday, somehow, some way or another?
She got there first.
2:42 PM
Jay's 6th album
November's Chopin is ready for pre-order! *screams* Okay, I honestly have no idea about it until Fanny sms-ed me today around 1+. So pai seh, I don't even know anything about his new album at all
can? To think I call myself his fan. Heh. I saw the MV for one of the songs (which I suppose is 夜曲) at Heeren today! I stepped into Heeren and I heard this oh-so-familiar voice, looked up at the screen and there was Jay! I got so excited I ran into Heeren to check things out. Hurhur.
Anyway, check out this
link if you wish to find out more. Meanwhile, I shall go ogle at him out cause I managed to download the MV from the
forum itself. Yay, I love Jay. Yum.
Happy eighteen, Yufen! Hope you had fun with your celebrations! :)
12:47 AM
So guess where did we go today?

Yep, the long awaited
Ben & Jerry's! We went to the Suntec outlet cause I read from
He Jin's blog that it's already open. We went there last week but we couldn't find the shop itself, so we asked the information counter and they said it's not open yet. Anyway. We had already tried most of the flavours like Chunky Monkey, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cherry Garcia, Phish Food, Chocolate Fudge Brownie and all since these are all readily available in tubs at most supermarkets.
The menu is very limited, compared to this.So we took quite a while to decide what to have. In the end, we chose:

Create-your-own Core sundae! The staff there were ultra friendly, and surprising, they are all females too. The core sundae allows you to choose 2 flavours of your choice (
Mint Chocolate Chunk and
New York Super Fudge Chunk), comes with a choice of hot fudge or caramel or both, and a variety of toppings such as mini M&M's, nuts, chocolate sprinkles topped with the oh-so-fattening whipped cream. I love whipped cream by the way. We ordered a Berry berry Sorbet Splash too. Can't remember the price though (not I pay one ma), think it's $7.50 for the Sorbet Splash. Forgot how much was the sundae. Okay la, to be honest I think the items are pretty average. Perhaps they should expand their menu and choices a little. Introduce flavours which are not easily available in our local supermarkets and all. Really hope they would.
Hey. Just wanna tell you I had fun today. Really enjoyed your company the whole day. Thanks for the little treat too, it means so much to me. I may spite you a lot and say things I don't mean at all, but I just want to let you know that I appreciate everything you've done for me so far. The sacrifices you made, the time spent with me, the little things you say and do. They mean so much, and I want you to know that I really appreciate them all. It feels great being with you, enjoyed your company so, so much...I hope you feel the same way too. :)
11:58 PM
Useless random facts:
1) I totally detest the feeling of short-lived happiness. Don't give me something only to take it away later (
2) I hate fucking hate it when anyone gives me false hopes, unintentionally or not. Don't promise anything if you don't intend to fulfil that promise.
3) I hate losing.
4) I have an ego too huge for my own damn good.
5) I don't really have a thing for Business (Studies) and I have zero idea why am I in the course.
6) I cry to make myself feel better, even though I hate the fact that I tear easily at the slightest things.
7) There are times I have no idea what am I doing to myself. Mental and emotional torture are one of the worst punishments around.
8) There are times when I absolutely despise and hate myself to the core that I just wanna silt my wrists and bleed to death.
9) I hate studying, projects and exams.
10) I have a thing for making sure people around me (including myself) spell/pronounce words correctly. E.g. "
weird" spelt as "
wierd". No no, I'm not trying to prove I speak and spell perfect English, but somehow it gets on nerves especially when people can't spell correctly. What's a dictionary for man?
11) I contradict myself. A lot.
12) I'm weak as hell emotionally. I succumb to almost anything. Serve me right for being a softie. This heart melts like hot wax you know.
13) I
really wish to study law.
14) I think expressing your love in mandarin is extremely romantic. Ha, actually I only thought so after 道名寺 said these words to 杉菜 on 流星花园
:“我喜欢你,喜欢迷恋到自己都觉得莫名其妙…在我眼中,看到的就只有你一个人。我知道我很烦,可是我要你知道,只要你跑得掉的话,我一定会追到你…不管你跑到任何地方,就算是地狱也好,不管你跑到天涯海角,我一定要追到你…我要你知道一件事,就是我要定你了。” Not the exact, but somewhere close. So romantic hor? I'll melt if anyone actually says anything close to me. Hurhur.
p/s: Will add on more when I remember.
Last edited: 6th September, 5:16PM
3:49 AM
So I haven't been updating proper for quite some time, and well I'm not apologetic. Hurhur. Plain lazy really. I guess it's time I update proper.
Term exams came and went. Badly done, didn't study at all. Pretty much last minute cramming. Received our results last Thursday. My GPA dropped from 2.7 to 1.8. Says pretty much about my grades eh?
3 Ds, 1 C and 1 B, which went to BLAW of course. Well I'm disappointed I didn't nail the AD for it like I said I wanted to, but then it's obviously my fault that I didnt put in effort for the exam. I kinda did it shoddily. HRM was D+, didn't know what happened there. Thought I would get a C at least. FMGT was D too. To think I promised Mark Tan I'll get B (or is it C?) for it. Too ashamed to face him liao. If I see him around in school, I'll probably hide or run away. Hurhur. And the new timetable's out already, pretty relieved we're gonna be in the same class again. Whoo. Some classes changed totally and some others had to break up. I guess TB22's damn lucky
This term holidays are gonna be over in about 2 weeks, and I must say it didn't felt like 5 weeks had passed at all. I'm either at work or out roaming the streets either in town or somewhere around Marina Square with you. Am still working at
My Secret Garden at Middle Road by the way.
Oh, I so have to mention this. There are new
Ben and Jerry's outlets popping out all around. There's one at United Square at Novena (a disappointment, really) and I read from the papers that there's gonna be one opening in Great World City and another in Suntec. We went to check out the one at US last week (I think) and hell, I was so fucking disappointed. It's so damn small
can, probably able to accommodate about 10-12 people or so? And I guess the timing was wrong, the seats were all filled with either schoolkids or housewives. Not like I have anything against them, but I just got super
sian when I saw it was crowded. So we left without even buying a single item. The menu is pretty limited compared to the one I saw on the website..I don't know if the one at the zoo offers a wider range, but I certainly hope they do, if not I'm gonna get super pissed and disappointed all over. Really dying to go to the one at the zoo. Next week maybe?
*Hint hint*

Saw this ring in The Sunday Times few weeks back. Fell in love with it at first sight, and the price?
$3,500. It's from
Mauboussin, a French brand if I'm not wrong. Saw the ring on display on Tuesday at Takahimaya but somehow it didn't look as nice as it did when I saw it in the papers. Thought the diamonds were embedded into the ring, but it kinda pops out, so maybe that's the reason why? Dunno, I still like it a lot.

7 packets of WONKA NeRdS, 8 bloody flavours. That's
Strawberry, Grape, Pinktricitic, Lemonade, Wild Cherry, Watermelon, ElectroOrange and Cola. Tsk, I think it's damn pretty

I like this top a lot! Found it online, either from
Urban Outfitters, forgot which liao. I really like it damn a lot can? I want...

Been meaning to post it for a long time, but I keep forgetting. Fanny made this for my birthday, and it's titled
'happy del & fan'. Nice hor? And notice that I'm on the right side (or is it left?) for 14 out of all 16 photos?
Hm lastly, should I get the
iPod nano? $438 for a 4GB one, dunno if I should or not leh. What if the same thing happen to it like
what happened to my bloody mini?! I'll just slit my wrists and die man! I have to slog
87.6 bloody hours for it
la. How how how? I can't quite decide. And please, do not ask me to get a Creative player. I'm not a Creative fan. No way am I gonna get one of those. I love iPods, despite my bad experience with them.
look! Another 'upgraded' iPod!
*Edit: Forgot to mention that I coloured and highlighted my hair quite a few weeks back, on the 23rd of September. I love the colours, though they make me look a little er, wild. No photos of it yet. Will post up one soon.
2:14 AM
I say, go catch
Corpse Bride. Watched it today and I enjoyed it thoroughly, especially the musical scenes. Oh, I think Emily is prettier than Victoria though.
Victor's wedding vows:With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.
12:33 AM