I felt helpless tonight.
2:33 AM

Saw the
Wikipedia link on Cowboy Caleb's page and I suddenly missed Bovril! Who doesn't know what's that man!! I grew up on Bovril with porridge which is like super duper yummilious!! Even my fat boyfriend loves it! x) But it was removed from shelves for a period of time but recently brought back; people said it was the Mad Cow's Disease since Bovril was made from beef extract, but the website says
"following export ban on beef, but since that was lifted in March of this year...". Yay, I love Bovril.

Look at the posters and you know Bovril is so cool la.
For the Love of BovrilUnileverBovril is the lurrrve!
E-Learning this week, hurray! :)
1:17 AM
So people tell me I don't write about my 'pak tor-ing", so I'm writing a post now about my "date" today! :)
Took a bus to town cos I wanted to see something at FEP. Didn't buy anything though. :(

Headed to Penninsula Plaza cos Dennis wanted to get some plain tees from this shop called Spitfire.
Took 80 to Vivocity specially for this!

And this!

It's a huge strawberry floor mat that costs 100 bucks and I'm soooo gonna
psycho my parents to get it for mememe!! Actually these items are from this shop called "Mother Garden". The first time I encountered it was in Yokohama and I lurrrve it so much!! Adorably
useless cute stuffed toys and furniture no one can resist, heh. I have this super cuddley seal called Sirotan from there. The website's
So we walked around and decided that actually, Vivocity is a damn boring and crowded place, so we took a train back to Boon Lay for dinner at Fish & Co.

Btw, this outlet at Jurong Point has a limited menu and does not serve its signature big Fish Drink! Pfft. :(

Photos that should never see the light of day.

Seafood platter for 2. Yum.

Everyone is starting to post up Christmas-y photos, so here's mine (that have been edited using Picasa, pfft.)!
To end, I just want to say that

Images from
12:42 AM