13 calls, 6 SMSes and 8 hours - that's how long I need to hear from you.
8:00 PM
Off the
Victoria's Secrets website,

Argh, her bod is damn nice can?! I wanttttt! Was looking at the VS online shop's bikinis when I saw this. The black bikini is really simple, but this model made it look so damn hot. Omg, damn nice
la. Anyone knows her name or something? Leave a tag if you know k! Fuck, her bod damn niceeeee. *drools*
10:28 PM
New template. Nice, no?
12:59 AM
Currently into Junk Food tees. They're like damn nice can. Price also equally nice. Hurhur. The only place in Singapore I know that sells them is Queen Couture at Heeren. I think it costs about $55 per tee at least. I've got one from there, but it's not Junk Food. Think its something Urban Funky dunnowhat. Wish I have a friend that lives in the US so he/she can buy these gorgeous tees for me and mail it over. Bahhhhh. Anyway, check out my faves:
From Kitson,

Pepe le Pew! The foul-smelling skunk, if I'm not wrong.
From 80sTees.com,

Save meeeee (from all these gorgeous tees).

Root beer, and its brown!

I can't find a superhero tee with my all-time favourite Spidey on it though. Hm, I wonder why.


Alvin and the Chipmunks!
Happy 18th Birthday Daniel! :)
8:28 PM

Mineminemine! For $95 on Yahoo! auctions! Yay. Got them from this nice lady. Check out the rest of her stuff
9:34 PM

Okay, I know my drawing sucks and I don't have some high-tech programme to draw this proper I have to resort to using paint on the computer. But what I want to say is clear -
SCREW ECD. Fuck, by far it's the
WORST project I've ever done in my whole NP life. By the way, it stands for Enterprise Creation and Development. Something about entrepreneurship and businesses. Fuck, I swear if I ever start my own business, I'll hire someone to do up my business plans for me!
2:40 AM
Because I know you wouldn't give up anything for me. Am I worth nothing more than a penny in your pocket?
10:25 PM
戴佩妮不敢问 却一直想问 你心里藏着什么人
不敢猜 却一直想猜 若回去有没有可能我不够完整 你给的从来不够完整
不开灯 我不要开灯
我身边容不下别的人不锁门 我不要锁门
结果始终是疑问我爱疯了 我疯到自己痛也不晓得
放弃了抵抗脆弱的天份我不管了 我不管这伤口能不能愈合选择了你也许是错的人
1:14 AM
I guess it's time I update proper. Lot of things to write about, but I can't remember all of them though..
Hm, common tests were badly done. Failed HRM 21.5/50 and FMGT 23/50. CMA was 59 or 60; can't remember, and BLAW was 76 I think. Got back ECD today, 31/60. Lost marks for my MCQs, only 8/20. Damn it. Hope I won't get a D grade or something. Still struggling with FMGT and CMA. Ugh. I hate figures. First term paper on the 9th September - BLAW. CMA on the 12th, HRM on the 15th and FMGT on the 16th. Stopped working temporarily till the exams end. Gotta pia like mad from the 19th to 24th to ensure that I get money to spend during the hols. Dunno if I should continue working at Mysg. I enjoy working there most of the times cause I don't know why, but the thought of working with new crew all over is quite sian. Plus I think Fanny and Yufen wants to leave too. Gahhhh don't know don't care (for now). Wait till exams end then say.
Went to celebrate my birthday with the Fanny, Yufen, Paul, Rui and Yang on Friday after ECD test. Went to Holland for dinner. Initially wanted to dine at Essential Brew, but changed our minds after looking at the prices. Then guess what? We decided to whack (er, correct spelling?) zhi cha at the coffee shop! Hurhurhur. Ordered venison meat, oatmeal prawns, chilli kang kong, zhao pai tofu, BBQ stingray and the yam ring which, according to the self-proclaimed zhi cha guru Fanny Lim, sucked. I felt so honoured! Rui and Yang both shell a prawn for me, and Rui gave me a peanut (okay, cashew nut to be precise)! A nut! I'm rich. Fwah, 600K leh. Anyway after dinner, we headed to Essential Brew again for some drinks to digest our bloated tummies.
We ordered our drinks, which were lovely by the way, and talked hell lot of crap. Then Rui was telling me about his rain/cloud story at Mount Kinabalu, and I was listening to him attentively when somehow, one reason or another, I turned my head to my left and I saw this bright glowing object in the waiter's hands - a birthday cake. I was totally shocked it took me a few seconds to realise it was a cake. Then they started singing 'Happy Birthday' so damn loudly and hell, I started tearing. Typical la, I know. Can't help it can. I was totally shocked la. Settled down and I blew the 9 candles. And guess what? The cake's from The Patissier! Damn nice can. Yummy. We forgot to bring a camera along, had to rely on our high-tech phones for pictures. Will upload them soon. Anyway I was really really touched and happy that night. Enjoyed myself so so much. Thanks eh! ;)
Had dim sum with my family at Lei Garden on Sunday. I love dim sum! One of my favourite cuisine. I think I would be very happy living in Hong Kong, eating bo lo pao and sipping nai cha in the mornings, having dim sum for lunch and er, desserts for dinner every single day. Hah. My parents bought me a wallet and I felt so damn guilty making them spend so much, especially when my Dad said, "Better study hard I tell you." *gulps* If I bought the wallet myself, I've gotta work a whopping 110 hours for it man.
And thanks to everyone who SMSed: Felicia (Tan), Yufen, my Mum, Jack, Dennis, Wen Jia, Ruth, Sandee, Darren, Yang, Paul, Kang Ni, Jack from Mysg, Leon my fellow birthday boy, Tiffany (Loh), Charmaine, Lionel (for the lovely chocs as well!), Victoria, Faith, Ming Zhu, Jeremy (Esplanade?!), Dorcas (Ling), Wee Cheng, Yen Ping, Fanny, Dorcas (Lum, who insisted she didn't forget), Joo Sheng, Guohao, Daniel (who called on Sunday night), Grace, Elena, Bell, and everyone else who made my day one way or another!
Thanks to you too. For spending the entire day with me. I enjoyed your company very much, like I always do. You've been great..thanks for everything, I appreciate them all.
12:23 AM
My Toshiba laptop is finally back in its original working condition (almost brand new) after I sent it to MeL on the 1st to get the hard disk replaced. Yippee. *does chicken dance like Grandpa Joe in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory* Hurhur, kidding. I know I should write about something more substantial but I'm really lazy. Think I'll blog on Friday night or something, when I have more time to sort out my (very) jumbled up thoughts.
Still the one.
1:37 AM
Thanks for the birthday greetings everyone! Will give a detailed account er, soon. Till then!
9:07 PM
"You don't always see the pain someone feels."
I remember reading this line or something similar somewhere before, but I can't recall where exactly. I'm thinking if it's you, but I looked through your archives and I can't seem to find the post. Maybe you deleted it or something since you always edit your old entries. Not sure. Sorry if I quoted you without giving you any credit.
Sorry I have to resort to writing in bits here or send you extremely long SMSes. I just feel it's easier to put myself across in writing rather than verbally. And you don't know how hard I want this to work out. I keep trying, and I keep falling. But I'm hanging on; not about to let go.
2:44 AM
Don't click on the links if you don't wish to see some spoilers for the upcoming episodes of ANTM.____________
Am inspired to get a makeover (for my hair) after watching
today's episode of America's Next Top Model. Hurhurhur. I am so totally in love with
Naima. Her mohawk-do is totally cool la. I wanna marry her. Lalala...
11:35 PM