RAOUL No more talk
of darkness,
Forget these
wide-eyed fears.
I'm here,
nothing can harm you -
my words will
warm and calm you.
Let me be
your freedom,
let daylight
dry -your tears.
I'm here,
with you, beside you,
to guard you
and to guide you...
Say you love me
waking moment,
turn my head
with talk of summertime...
Say you need me
with you,
now and always...
promise me that all
you say is true -
that's all I ask
of you...
RAOULLet me be
your shelter,
let me
be your light.
You're safe:
No-one will find you
your fears are
far behind you...
is freedom,
a world with
no more night...
and you
always beside me
to hold me
and to hide me...RAOULThen say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime...
Iet me lead you
from your solitude...
Say you need me
with you
here, beside you...
anywhere you go,
let me go too -
that's all I ask
of you... CHRISTINESay you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime...
say the word
and I will follow you...BOTHShare each day with
me, each
night, each morning...CHRISTINESay you love me...
You know I do...BOTH
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you...
Anywhere you go
let me go too...
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you...off the Phantom Of The Opera movie. the title is "
All I Ask Of You". a very lovely and touching duet..although i dont think Raoul is handsome. however i do think that the Phantom (his real name is Gerard Butler) is
very very charming. heh heh. he looks quite good with that mask on. to tell the truth, the movie was slightly disappointing. guess i had high expectations of the show. but it was good enough though. although all that talk in the ultra high sing-song voice kinda got on my nerves. esp that soprano (sp?) lady who looked strangely familiar. oh gee just read from the website that she's actually Minnie Driver. there seem to be quite a few good movies coming up..i wanna catch Closer and Alfie..although i heard from wee cheng that Alfie's M18. but i think i look old enough to get pass lar.
okay just caught the repeated telecast of on cable. Francis Ng is so damn bloody shuai. okay not exactly "
shuai", but you get my idea huh. oozes nothing but a helluva charm.
love how his eyes look totally expressionless..that blank look. sigh, im literally melting. well its time for bed - 210AM already and i have to wake up in 4hours time!
2:11 AM
Screw economics.
12:08 AM
sigh does anyone know how to get rid of the      thats on the Profile, Entries and Tagboard box below? my blog is
close to perfection save for those hideous     Â's. makes my blog look
SO unsightly! i suck at html, even after Juu(skin designer) taught me how to insert the &nsbp and _______ . i just
cant get rid of the     Â's!
11:37 PM

crazeeee people. you know any of 'em?
8:36 PM

my brother, me and charmaine!
8:36 PM

darryl, adrian, charmaine and me at esplanade
8:35 PM

my preeeetteh cousin and me :)
8:35 PM

(clockwise) me, kenken, nick and charmaineeee
8:35 PM

us at je's kbox.
8:34 PM

charmaine, kenken, nick and me(trying to pose like syvlester..heh!)
8:34 PM
cant believe we went to je's kbox yday. that decision was made on impulse man. it was during dinner time when suddenly someone said we shld go karaoke(sp?). then my oldest cousin suggested je's kbox since he had the membership. kbox. heard so much about it, but never been there my entire 17 years on planet earth. so my cousin called and checked out the rates; $12.80+++ per person. so in the end, 11 ppl went. thats me, my brother, my mum, my dad, 2 aunts, uncle and my 4 cousins. left home around 9PM.
well actually i didnt know there was kbox at je..heh. so we got there, and the lady assigned us a room, K8. pretty small for 11 people if you ask me. oh well. we ordered the first round of drinks..made helluva noise too. our room was the noisest(sp?) if you ask me. my uncle sang the loudest and the most..heh. basically we ate and sang till about 1AM+. sang quite a few Jay songs..but i cant sing for nuts. tone-deaf lar, what to do. sigh. oh and the place kinda stink if you ask me..you could smell a mixture of alcohol and cigarette smell in the air. or maybe its just me. oh well well. the bill came up to $166.01 if im not wrong. got home at 130AM but i slept only at 3. woke up at 2+ this afternoon. and if you're wondering why im blogging at this hour, its because there's e-learning for CIP and OB this week..so i have no school today! and we end 1PM tmw..and our class girls are going shopping after school. wheeeeeee. sigh, but i can spend anymore. i
so wanna change my phone to either 6230 or 7610!! =(
i have
lots of things in my head, but when i get down to blog, they start to disappear.
damn it.
4:47 PM
what an exciting christmas i had this year. went for breakfast at the temporary Tiong Bahru market with my aunts and uncle and my 2 little cousins. went to collect my new specs after breakfast. their purple and plastic and are way nice. i like them! got home around 3+ in the afternoon. took a nap till 715 before going over to my grandma's for our christmas celebration. there were lotsa yummy stuffs man! turkey, ham, beef, and loads more. my brother made a christmas cake too..really nice though it was little hard. he coated the garnishes(which were cherries.) with lemon sauce and sprinkled lemon and lime zest over the cake. the cherries were really nice. he made this bread which had to be eaten with some sauce made of egg yolks and something else. neat. oh, the beef my uncle marinated was absolutely delicious! tender and chewy. love it. ate a lot..then my cousins decided to catch a midnight movie after dinner. so we checked the availiablity and all, and bought 4 tickets to Meet The Fockers at 1220AM at Marina Square's GV.
my uncle sent us there and we reached Marina at around 1130PM. went to collect our tickets and man, it was so crowded. got our tickets and walked over to Esplanade. took lotsa photos! was really fun hanging out with my cousins..doing silly things and talking crap. the movie was hilarious man! damn funny. kept laughing throughout. go catch it if you need a good laugh. and there was this baby boy called Jack too..DAMN CUTE. he said "asshole" in a DAMN cute way! LOL.
movie ended at 220AM..my cousin sis pang sehed us and went to meet her friends. so the remaining of us took a cab down to Lau Pa Sat to grab a bite. food was horrible and exorbitant. took a slow walk to Far East Square..my cousin wanted to bring us to this bar..but unfortunately, ALL the shops and bars were already closed. so we went to a nearby 7-11 and bought some drinks. my brother had a Kilkenny, cousin had Sapporo, and i chose a Barcardi Breezer(not bitter you see.) was my second bottle for that night btw. its one of the few alcohols(if its even considered one!) i do drink cos the rest are all so bitter. blech. anyway we went over to this open space at China Square to sit and drink while waiting for my uncle to come pick us up at around 4. had an hour to chill. the breeze came occasionally. everywhere was pitch dark and quiet, save for the strange music that played 24/7.(according to my cousin.) this cousin of mine works for the Navy..so he sails a lot. i commented that the sky was orange, then he said that actually it wasnt the sky that was orange. the sky only looked orange because of the streetlights in Singapore, that our island is SO bright it caused the skies above us to look orange. he told me that whenever he came back from somewhere, you can see Singapore from far far away cause the skies were orange, unlike neighbouring countries such as Indonesia which was just black. i dont know how true is that, but it certainly sounded true. was quite sleepy by then..cousin said cos i drank too fast. uhh i dont know lar. my uncle came around 440AM. got home only at 520. took a quick shower and slept all the way till 330PM today.
one of the memorable christmas so far. my cousin said maybe he would bring us to this chill-out bar called Cosy Bay near Kallang on NYE. am looking forward to that even though it would be totally crowded. anyway i had a great time yday. :) remembered that we used to play catching around the block when we were younger..heh. might even go on a short trip with my cousins soon..
still having that      problem even though the blog designer told me how to solve it. ARGH!! pissed man. tried doing it over like dozens of times already!!!!! sigh.
6:05 PM
just changed my skin. but im having this IRRITATING problem with the html below. ARGH!! can someone help me?! i re-did it like a thousand of times already!!!!!!!!
12:40 AM
did all my christmas shopping today! phew. like, finally. went Cityhall with guohao first. bought my cousin's stuff, then went to search for something for my gfs. bought something from The Life Shop (lol, private joke.) okay i shall say it cos its so cute (right.) dorcas & sandee always ask me to go to The Life Shop cos i need to get a life. HURHUR. okay nvm. i really liked what i bought..so tempted to get it for myself too. saw quite a few nice items there..now i know where to get presents for ppl..even though the items are a little on the costly side. bought a handphone chain for myself. its a brown leather strap. love it.
took a train down to orchard. went Cine for Pasta Mania cos guohao was dying to eat it. waited quite long. saw a pair of shorts that i wanna buy. probably get it on tuesday when our class girls go shopping. saw cheryl (ong) there. she looks hot. walked over to Heeren and i went Beads Etc to get some stuff. bought a little accessory for my phone. its a baby shoe. there's a pram and a pacifer too. i wanna get them all! so cute. quite ex though..$1.20 for a tiny one.
walked over to Taka cos we wanted to get something for elena (i hope she doesnt read this..) saw charissa and her sister at that toy shop (yea, a toy shop.) saw quite a few other ppl along the way..cant remember exactly who though. anyway we bought what we wanted and walked over to Wisma. went to C&K and bought the shoes i wanted. yay, can wear them when i meet dorcas and all on monday! :) walked around a little while more before we left. was dead tired. my bags we so heavy..luckily i had guohao with me. OH YAH! i saw this shuai-cute guy working at a toy shop in Cine..but guohao says he's got attitude problem and is not shuai or cute. i bet he's just jealous. HAHAHA! i still insist that guy is shuai-cute. blech.
*edit: i saw that guy at canteen 4 once. =|
got home at like 7. probably gonna zzz soon..im tired. i have the entire day to sleep tmw! YES!! my sleep. totally need it. anyway qian, come crash lar. i wanna watch phantom with you too. unless you dont wanna watch with me.
11:43 PM
did some christmas shopping alone yday. only managed to buy very little stuff. quite satisfied with what i got a particular someone, even though the gift is totally useless and impractical. i thought it looked damn "
chio" in her words. sheesh i sound like a lesbian. heh. anyway im currently owing my gfs' gift and my 2 little cousins'. have absolute ZERO idea of what to get my gfs for the gift exchange. ARGH!! i was
supposed to like shopping for ppl. sigh. anyway. orchard was f-ing packed as usual. was in town till like almost 6PM so i decided to meet my mum before going home together.
just got back from town with guohao, elena, dorcas, tiffany, kelvin and guang yang. met up for dinner at orchard..was already 6+ when we got to town. intended to go down to Cine's Pasta Mania but we had to wait for 45 minutes before we could get a table, and tiffany had to meet her church choir ppl at 8, so we decided to head down to LJS instead. all 7 of us squeezed into a tiny table..kinda pathetic if you ask me. but it doesnt really matter cos we had fun laughing at anything man! exchange presents and we all ate our combo 1's. talked and crapped. dugged out the hilarious and fond stuffs which happened mainly in 2003. my vomitting, kelvin's "not funny, *slap*" joke, kelvin's "cramps" at his doorstep, elena's "hey fat girl!" ad..hilarious man. couldnt even eat in peace..was laughing so hard my stomach hurts. although it was so squashed up and squeezey, it didnt matter cos we had fun. oh yea, before we had dinner, kelvin went to bought a gift from Bloomington for his gift exchange for his class. guess what he bought? a stuff toy sperm called SPERMO! ahahahahahaa! we kept playing with it all the time. LOL. wonder who's gonna be that poor fella who gets that present that has been touched and squeezed by all 7 of us. lol.
walked tiffany to orchard MRT before going our separate ways.(she was going carolling outside Tangs) walked to Taka and we found benches to rest our aching. it was f-ing crowded(notice ive been swearing
a lot recently..prob cos i stopped attending youth meetings or something..) anyways. the crowds sucked alright. everyone just shoved and pushed. UGLY SINGAPOREANS!! (yea, im one too.) and in the MRT to orchard, the stupid idiots in the entrance of the car just kept squeezing and pushing. and there was this pregnant lady near us, and i bet she was so bloody squashed up. my gosh. singaporeans are such hideous creatures man. i dont know if i shld feel proud or ashamed to be one. and yea, im one ugly singaporean too. we all got so squashed up in the train, and even while making our way towards orchard MRT outside. me and elena got so pissed we just kept swearing. bloody.
anyway we rested at the benches for a while before jay-walking over to Tangs to watch tiffany perform.(okay not exactly but what the heck.) stood there for half and hour or so before we left. was almost 10PM when we left. we all took train home..luckily the ride back was as bad as the ride to orchard. got home at like 1045PM? still gotta stay up till 120AM to watch the repeat telecast of 冲上云霄. awesome show. totally dig Francis Ng. darn cool. ;)
been reading The 5 People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. a really thought-provoking book. interesting to me. made me think a lot. meaningful i say. wee cheng said she preferred Tuesdays With Morries better than 5 People..so im quite excited about Tuesdays. and to paul(not like you read this but whatever.), i
dont only read trashy books mind you. and 5 People
aint trashy.
gotta do last minute christmas shopping tmw with guohao after school. urghs, just dread the bloody crowds. hate having icky bodies all over me.(hmm sounds suggestive. heh.) i hope my body wont ache like last week after S&W. im dead tired.
p/s: thanks dorcas and elena for your presents! appreciate 'em. :)
12:15 AM
"Memories are wonderful things, if you don't have to deal with the past."
-Celine(Julie Delphy),
Before Sunset
oh p/s: oral comm rocks. qian, you shld really come crash.
12:41 AM
was supposed to meet at 11AM at Habourfront control, but shi rong wasl ike 45 minutes late. plus it was raining. quite spoiler but we still went over to sentosa anyway. was quite surprised when i saw shi rong again after months. he was wearing braces..but he looked kinda weird with them somehow. and although i hate to agree, i have to admit he does bear some resemblance to Sylvester. just that Sylvester had much straighter hair, and no braces. i think if shi rong went to straighten his hair, but would really look like Sly. heh.
went to Siloso beach. it was quite packed..there were frisbee tournaments and beach volley matches. i guess its better to see crowds at beaches rather than at shopping centres. heh. sentosa's a great place to look at guys and girls. although i saw more guys than babes in bikinis. oh, we saw this ang loh lady wearing a bloody g-string and it was really gross. and jonathan said "eh eh, baywatch sia." when he saw that lady. -_-" we didnt really do anything productive..kinda boring you may say. the sun showed a little, then around 1+, the skies started to turn dark. gy ang jonathan left earlier cos they had soccer training. oh, shi rong was so nice. he bought us all a bottle of coke which cost him $20 over. then he said "aiya..so long nv see you all.." it was really nice hearing that. at least i know 4f'03 will always be a part of everyone, even those misfits like shirong and company. the girls went to take a quick shower before we left. it started pouring so we had to run in the rain to catch the bus. and i opened up my Spider-Man mat and sheltered myself, shirong and kelvin. it was damn funny lah. we looked like we were doing so lion dance in the rain. then when the bus came, shi rong and kelvin dropped the mat and left me holding it. -_- then kelvin turned back and help me fold up the mat.
waited damn long for the bus to Habourfront. took a train down to Douby Gauht(ive always had trouble spelling this man.) with tiff, elena and wen jia cos kelvin was tired so he went home(what a pig), while shi rong went to meet mark cos they were going to Thailand later in the evening. went Pizza Hut for lunch and surprisingly, the pizzas tasted very good. maybe cos i was hungry or something. guohao came a while later and we went to walk around. tiff left after lunch cos she had choir practice plus she was going to carol at night.
went to find yen ping at M&S cos she was having her break. met piak soon after; but guohao left to meet his mum. we walked down to Heeren and man, it was so bloody crowded. went to Cine's LJS for dinner..although me and elena didnt eat cos we werent hungry. took more pictures.me and wj wanted to act les but it was so dumb and crappy and i bet we laughed so bloody loudly we attracted unwanted attention. oh well, 4f's girls
always attract a lot of unwanted attraction wherever we go man! :P it was almost 9 when we left Cine. piak went to meet her friends; while the 3 of us headed home. walked to Orchard MRT and it was ultra crowded man. had to squeeze here and there. wj said i was very agressive. haha, i agree. since when am i not? even YANG is afraid of me. anyway. we walked by Wisma and saw tiff cos she was supposed to sing carols there with her church ppl. we didnt wait for her turn cos we were really tired. got home aroung 1030+.
it just feels so good seeing the familiar faces again. although only 8 ppl turned up - me, wen jia, elena, tiff, kelvin, guang yang, jwong and shi rong. and piak too. feels real good to be around them. i remembered something gy said.."dellia is still dellia, wen jia is still wen jia.." what he meant i guess, was that we didnt change at all. he said i was still as "chor loh" as ever. hahaha, yea yea. i miss 4f so much. hope i'll be able to organise a proper gathering soon..maybe a BBQ at East Coast, or some chalet. check out the photos we took
guess im off..dont feel like continuing anymore. forgot to mention i bought some stuff from Spotlight to try to make a brooch for myself..so im off to attempt to make it now! its been ages since i did any DIY stuff. wish me luck! :)
10:33 PM
okay, just a little sneak preview of the photos we took today. gonna go to bed now. really
12:40 AM

me & sylvester?! IM DREAMING!!! i must be!!! haha.
12:38 AM

yap shi rong aka sylvester yap?!?! gawd......
12:37 AM

trying to take myself..and i ended up taking it together with wen jia's cock-eyed eyes! HA!HA!HA! :P
12:37 AM

elena+wen jia+me+tiff. love this pic!
12:36 AM

we were trying to act like tyra & yoanna in ANTM, but apparently(and obviously) we failed so f-ing badly and ended up looking like crap. i look like a slut. damn it.
12:35 AM

shi rong?! sylvester?! gaaaah!!
12:35 AM
ARGH!! I LOST THE ANKLET I BOUGHT LAST WEEK!! ARGH!! I LIKE IT SO MUCH!! DAMN IT MAN. i like it so bloody much!! ARGH!! fuck lar. i so bloody hell like it. i so wanna swear! its only A WEEK OLD! i fucking like it so much! ARGH! and i was at SIX just now, there isnt a identical one anymore! guohao said he didnt see me wear any anklet when i first met him, so i probably dropped it in blk50's toilet while i was changing!! doubt the chances of getting it back, but if anyone of you actually see my bloody anklet(its
bronze-y in colour with blue beads), please kindly pick it up and return it to me!! i beg you!! :(
on a lighter note, i bought more stuff today. and i feel quite bad spending so much. spent about a $100 in total today. bought a tote bag from Minou, slippers from M)phosis, organiser for 2005 from Happy House and a book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
S&W was xiong. considering that i havent exercised fore more than a year ago(prob since last Oct or something.) my whole body is aching now. and im still going sentosa with 4f tmw.
anyway met guohao at the busstop before going down to town. ate Mc for lunch. went Tangs and i saw this
REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY nice halter top from Island Shop at Tangs. it's $59 but it's really worth it. i really like it. and i think i'll go get it soon. maybe i could psycho my parents to get it for me for CNY. although i think i'll probably want to wear it even before CNY. heh. saw really gorgeous pumps at Tangs, but they cost like hundreds and are totally not affordable. for me at least. bought this woven bag at Isetan at $30. it's orange and i like it a whole damn lot! anyway. went Topshop, saw this really nice halter vest..its damn revealing, but super chic.
(im still f-ing sore about losing my bloody anklet, btw.)
walked around here and there and everywhere. went Kino but couldnt find an organiser i liked. went Heeren and bought guohao's havaianas! he bought the black sandals one anyway. oh, saw a stage set up for Stefanie Sun's autograph session or something outside Heeren too. but we didnt see her cos it only starts at 5PM, and we left Heeren before that. oh yea, remember that orange woven bag i bought at $30? i saw the same ones(but of different colours) at Heeren selling only at $25! WTF!
ive been cheated of $5!! damn it. it's the exact same brand as the one i bought from Isetan lor. what a bloody unlucky day. but anyway the colours availabe at Heeren isnt very nice anyway. blech. my only consolation.
sheesh. went Cine for a while, where we saw elena's sis and her bf at a lingerine shop! lol.
took a train down to Cityhall, where i bought the most things. the organiser, the slippers, the book and the present for the SC exchange. my ultra heavy bag was pissing me off, plus my whole body's aching, and i got a little restless by the time we got to Cityhall. but it was still pretty okay. walked around a little..it was getting f-ing crowded by then. almost 7PM when we left. sigh dont feel like blogging anymore.
something's missing. and i think i know what it is.
11:33 PM
didnt have the mood to blog recently..somehow, i just feel like
something's missing. or perhaps im just trying to find an excuse for being too lazy. oh well, here goes.
went for my spinal check-up on saturday morning before meeting yufen. thought thatmy condition might have improved a little, but what the doctor told me certainly dashed
ALL my hopes of recovering. she said i would have this curved spine
forever. what am i gonna do..sigh. i guess i would have to live with it..nothing i can do. afterall, im so used to it already.
took my time to get to Cityhall cos i was way early..plus knowing yufen, shes gonna be late. sheesh. i got there early, so i went to the stairs to sit and read Memoirs while waiting. after yufen came, we went to SIX and got our stuff. yufne got her rubber bands and a pair of earrings; while i got my anklet and a pair of earrings too! went Thai Express for brunch. tom yam rocks. walked to Esplanade and took 111 down to town. but we got stuck in a bloody jam for like, 45 minutes or so. damn it really. we got so pissed we alighted at Somerset and decided to walk down to Heeren. well apparently i saw this pair of faded denium skirt i liked on friday, but somehow when i went back to the shop, the skirt didnt looked that fantastic afterall. gave it up and went to X:odus. wanted to get that brown pair of pumps which was smiliar to the black ballerina one i have, but they didnt have my size. yufen wanted to get a pair too, but apparently our shoe sizes are really popular they dont have any(size 8 and 7 respectively btw.) got really disappointed.
went to Taka and M)phosis disappointed me again cos the thongs werent available in my sizes. i really really liked those pretty babydoll tops, but i dont look good in any. sigh. anyway yufen bought her pure chocolate from Coffee Bean while i got my iced milk tea from Mos. we then headed down to Far East. thankfully, it wasnt a futile trip. i bought this skirt form Hula & Co..$33.90. really liked the design at the side. saw this nice pouch but i dont know if i shld get it cos i doubt i'll use much of it anyway. i went back to this indulge shop and tried on the long sleeve top i saw the day before. brown looked funny on me, but white was way nicer. so i bought the white one. yay, i can wear it to my mum's cousin's son's(sheesh!!) wedding on wednesday. saw this sales assistant with really nice pumps so i asked her where she got it, and she told me she got them from Gripz. by this time, it was past 5 and yufen was supposed to meet 4b'03 at Orchard MRT. but we popped by Gripz before we left, and i saw
REALLY REALLY to-die-for pumps, but they are wayyyyyy ex. maybe i can get them for CNY. heh heh.
anyway we made our way back to Orchard and i went to walk around alone after yufen left. wlel, i went into Fox and i came out with 3 long sleeve tops! :P there was a buy 2 get 1 free promotion anyway. so i spent $46 for 3 tops. pretty worth it i would say. :) anyway i wanted to get long sleeve tops so i didnt feel too guilty after that $46..heh heh.
went to get my specs done yday(
finally!). my degree's real high..like 750 for the right and 725 for the left. plus my astig(sp?) is like 200+ so the total degree is almost 900. *gulps*(
laser, laser!!) gotta go back only 10 days later to get my specs cos my degree's too high so it would take some time to get it done.
CIP tutorial/workshop today was pretty alright. not as bad as BCA i guess. besides, i learnt quite a few new stuffs about Microsoft Word. :) me, yufen, kang ni, zhu, yang and paul went to town after CIP. kang ni bought her pouch and we decided to head down to PS cos i wanted to go look for that brown pumps at X:odus..but they didnt have my size either. sigh! so i called my mum and asked her to help me check Great World's outlet. and she told me just now that she already reserved it for me! YAY! im so happy! i really like that BROWN pair of pumps. plus its so comfortable and easy to match. now all i have to do is search for my M)phosis thongs(they're just slippers, really. thats what they call it on the pricetag) might wanna head down to Bugis tmw for a while after school..i'll see. hmmmmm.
oh, 4f's gonna have a gathering this saturday at sentosa! YAY!! i missed 4f so much! havent seen wenjia for a long time; and shi rong too. and guang yang. but i dont know if he's going at all. oh well. we're meeting at
11AM at
Habourfront control. please come and most importantly be early! =) wow, i typed this in about 40 minutes. record time i bet. i would have completed it faster if not for that bloody flying insect that got attracted to my table light. greaw! okay, im gonna go read Memoirs before going to bed. nights.
oh, just wanna say this to my beloved girlfriend..
sorry i cant celebrate it with you, but im pretty sure you're gonna have a grrrreeaatt time no matter what! ;) enjoy yourself babe. cant wait to see you on the 27th! miss you girls! :)
12:43 AM
had S&W lecture at 8AM today. was a few minutes late, but the lecture hasnt started. had a briefing and we were told where to go if we want to sign up for the various choices available. we all wanted to take up volleyball, and coincidentally, we were all sitting at the very same spot where volleyball was supposed to be! *phew* its really scary you know. heard stories about ppl running everywhere cos there are limited spaces available. ended our lecture at about 9 and we headed to canteen 2 for breakfast. then we sorta got kinda confused where our LMS(Life Management Skills) tutorial was held, so we delayed a little and all that crap. well, the girls were in a seperate class form the guys so when we entered the classroom about 10 minutes late, the tutor kp-ed and all. it was really irritating; ask any of the girls. and our LMS tutor whose name is Ms Susan Fung somethingsomething, had such a strong Honkie(sp?) accent it was so irritating. esp that screechy voice of hers. really got on my nerves man. but after hearing her talk and all that, i found her to be quite an interesting person. oh well, i just hope LMS wont be as sucky as IAC. i'd like to enjoy my modules you know.
well initially we wanted to give rui a surprise for his birthday, but there was a change of plans the last minute, so we ended up meeting each other at Far East. couldnt exactly decide where to go cos rui didnt want to make a decision..but we kept forcing him too..lol. so i guess in the end we decided to go down to Heeren for Sakae's buffet. but before that we went over to UOB near Orchard Emerald to open our TX account or something like that. waited for over 45 minutes to open that bloody account. greaw. oh well, shallnt go into the boring details. went up to Sakae, but were told we had to wait for 1/2 an hour. tried to call Liang Court's branch, but apparently it closed down. heh. so we changed our minds and headed for NYDC downstairs..which i guess was a pretty good decision.
had a little problem with our orders cos this trainee guy whose name was yong sheng sorta got confused and stuff. poor guy. really. we had to repeat and confirm our orders a few times..it was quite funny actually. and he was still smiling and all..haha. then everyone else's order came 'cept for mine. the 6 of them(zhu, kang ni, yufen, faith, yang and rui) ordered set meals, but i didnt. 3 amigos pasta and a iced irish cream elephanccino(gah, dunno how to spell) was what i ordered. we were there around 4..and it was a little past 5 when my orders came. usually i would have gotten really really pissed if i had to wait so damn long for my food, but surprising i didnt just now. then my orders came when i least expected them to, and this guy in red(i supposed he's the manager) served me and said something like "had a little confusion with the orders, so this one's on the house." i didnt really hear it too clearly until yufen and faith said something. but he walked away even before i could say thank you.
so everyone waited while i ate, and we wanted to do the helium thingy with the balloons(there were ppl giving out ballons thats why.) was something like suck in the helium from those balloons and you'll speak like donald duck or whatever. sounded really fun i guess, and somehow i was so onz just now, so i was the first to do it. didnt exactly work out too well, but things really got hilarious as this little "game" went on. rui did it next, and the moment he spoke, he sent us all bursting into laughters man! it was really funny! yang did it, yufen, faith and zhu. kang ni refused at first, but did it in the end cos we all said happy birthday to rui in that donald duck-y voice. it was damn funny. we laughed so hard the waiters and ppl turned to look. and some of them even laughed together(or rather) at us. and each time we laughed out loud, ppl on the streets turned to stare. but obviously, we were oblivious to what was going on around us. its really fun, go try it sometime. its hard to describe that "kick" you get outta it man. we did the same thing all over and we left only at 6. we even got yufen to pretend she was making an order in that squeaky voice. that poor waiter..ferdy i think. LOL. and that yong sheng guy..really comical..haha. faith wrote a little note saying thanks to the staff on our receipt. really cute. haha, i think i will go down to Heeren's NY more often now. the ppl there are really nice, plus there's eye candy inside and outside. hohohoho! :P
went our seperate ways after leaving NY. walked with yufen to Wisma. she went to meet kim, while i went to meet my mum. i bought a brown tee from Topshop..yay. i like it quite a bit..maybe i shld get black too. hmmmmmm. oh, and i saw this long sleeve blouse ata shop in FE..$39. dunno shld i buy a not..really like it. i'll see i guess. gonna meet yufen after my spinal check-up tmw at SHC. gonna shop!!! saw a few things i wanna buy today..heh heh heh! :D
anyway, before i leave..i just wanna say..
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY MR RUI! hope you enjoyed yourself today! you've been really nice to everyone and we all love you! have fun and stay nice! :))))
tsk. too lazy to edit. sorry!
12:05 AM
hate to see you go.
12:16 AM
i decided today that OCOMM is very interesting. for the first lecture at least. there was this chart that goes something like..
sender > encode > message > channel > message > decode > receiver
encode is like, interpreting bits and pieces of the message the sender wants to put across. and i remember the lecturer saying something like
"if the receiver received a wrong msg, then there is no mutuality between them." or something like that. i cant remember her exact words. and something like if when the sender sends the wrong msg, it meant that something went wrong. not during the encoding, not during the channel, or the decoding.
the problem lies with the sender himself. that he came unprepared, which was why he gave the wrong msg. or something like that. i must be confusing you by now, but it was really interesting when i heard the lecturer say that. and my mind was like churning out lotsa stuff when i heard those words. and there was this line i clearly remembered,
"there will be no need for encoding if we could read each other's mind." how cool. somehow i just felt like she was trying to tell me something. haha, not true but i guess i left that particular OCOMM lecture with some questions in my head answered.
you know how sometimes you try to make a particular eye contact or gesture without saying a word, then expecting your friends to get what you mean? but they dont? so its like, you dont have a mutual understanding with your friend, which is why you didnt get whatever he or she tried to tell you with that particular gesture. anyway im not trying to start a lecture here about oral communication or whatever. its just that, i feel this lecture somehow had a certain msg behind it. and i hope i got it. realising some things solved some questions in my head. and i guess both of us probably lacked mutual understanding somewhere along the way..or that we sent or received the wrong msg somewhere. oh well, just a thought. i sound kinda incohorent ehh? hmmm, hope this is more in depth than my shallow entries..lol. :P
12:19 AM
my mum just passed me my cheque for a whooping $1422 just now. HEH HEH HEH! but then, afte clearing my debts and setting aside money for other stuffs, i wont have much money to spend anyway. plus i wanna knit a sweater for myself. anyway. i bet everyone wants to shoot me now. :)
oh and there's this new drama serial on ch55 at 9PM on weeknights. man, it rocks! its called chong1 shang3 yun2 xiao1..Truimph in the Skies in english, if im not wrong. if you have cable, do catch it. im addicted after watching the first episode on friday. love it to bits. and that guy..Francis Ng. MAN, he's not exactly handsome or whatever..but he has charm. totally cool. urghs, im gonna melt.haha. :P
a friend of mine said i shld write more in depth in my blog entries. i dont know, but i dont really like the idea of have strangers read my innermost thoughts. things i dont tell others, not even my closest friends. but i guess there are some ppl who can read me even without me saying a thing. yea, and i dont like it when ppl make fun or ask about the things i wrote in my blog. especially when im feeling down. just read it and shut up i guess. hmmm and i guess sometimes i dont even know what im thinking about myself. or perhaps i dont know how to put my thoughts down in words..thats why i resort to posting lyrics or quotes or something else. i dont post song lyrics just because they are by Jay or that the song is really nice or something. most of the time its because i find the lyrics really meaningful and it also describes my moods and thoughts really well..
you get it? oh well. shallnt go too in depth here. im feeling quite lazy. im off. :)
"I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not round, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
-Julia Stiles, 10 Things I Hate About You
10:55 PM
first day of a new semester.
surprise surprise, i woke up automatically at 705. but i stayed in bed till 715. i wasnt in my usual grumpy mode. like in the mornings when i brush my teeth, i would close my eyes while burshing. but today, i didnt. i felt
'high' somehow. really strange. so i took a quick shower, put on my clothes, wore my contacts and all that crap before eating my breakfast. left home around 750. got to the busstop at 8 and surprising(-_-" so many surprises ehh?) 99 came very quickly. reached clementi at 830. busstop was filled with students as usual. thought i might be late, but 184 came very quickly too.
reached school at like, 845? damn early lar. the bloody busstop was so crowded cos everyone was like meeting up and all. well, i dont really have a habit of meeting my classmates..so, i strolled to LT45 via the erm, shortcut through canteen 3. saw michelle, choon yean(damn i forgot how to spell her name=s)) and lissa at the other staircase. they waved at me, so i smiled back. usually i cant be bothered to acknowledge ppl in to mornings, but well, today is such a
*surprising* day. heh. saw rui and all crowding around some table so i went up to them. then SB hui qi came up to me and asked me to draw a lot cos they were having some christmas gift exchange or something along that line. so i was still kinda blur and i just went ahead to draw. got some girl called grace. heh. anyway. the lecturer was already speaking when we entered. we sat quite far back and i was really high i guess. talked a lot. dont usually do in the mornings. feels good seeing the familiar faces again..heard that ben, al and dee will be taking a different timetable from the lot of us. not surprising i guess. give their
ultra-super-duper slacking abilities. gee, i sound so mean. =x
lecture ended quite early at 10+ so we went to canteen 1 for zha2 cai4 fan4. saw dee and faith managed to find out that dee will be repeating ALL the modules we took in last sem..and she will only be taking OCOMM(oral comm that is) with B22. left school around 1115? called guohao and asked if he was free to go for a movie but apparently he was staying over at a friend's place, so..it was okay. going out alone is something i enjoy anyway. :) well i wanted to go to Citylink initially so i could go buy a bracelet from SIX, but i changed my mind halfway and decided to go down to Kino at Taka to buy
Jay's Grandeur de D Major(btw, if you
twits didnt know, its a bloody book by Jay.
it wasnt that crowded when i got there..so i went Wisma to walk around a bit. went into Topman and i saw so many nice suits, jackets and shirts. was imagining Jay in those suits..haha. and someone else too. heh. went up to Topshop and i saw really nice stuff. pants, jackets, dresses. saw this pair of earrings that i like..$23. wondering if i shld get it. hmmmmm. browsed around a bit before heading for Taka. went into GG>5 and i saw some nice stuff too. i know what i want to wear for CNY liao. muahahahaha~ :) went up to Kino(
finally) and found
that book sitting on the shelves, waiting for me to lay my hands on it. wahahahaha~ took a brand new copy in my hands and hugged it like crazy(okay fine. im exaggerating. blech.) walked around looking at books..ARGH. books. so many i wanna buy!! look at that list on the right(>>> below my to-buy list and you'll know. but i havent got my $$ so im still currently broke. and i became
broke-r(lol) after spending $25.50 on
that book. but its okay anyway. its JAY for goodness' sake. i'll kill to get anything about him. :) i know yufen and dorcas(lum) must be thinking: "
man, she's bloody obsessed! get her a life, someone." oh well. anyway as i was about to pay up, this fat little chubby kid came up to the cashier counter and asked the cashier lady if she saw a lady in blah blah blah. and he was really cute cos he was sneezing and ah-choo-ing at the same time. and he's so short and chubby, like roly-poly. heh heh. (told you im high today right) then the lady offered to page for his mum and told him to wait at the cashier counter. and now he was still sneezing, so i took out my packet of tissue(well only 1 piece left, but its the thought that couns right!) and told her to give it to that little boy. see, jie jie so nice hor? wahahahaha~ die, siao liao. please dont mind me. im outta my mind.
it's the withdrawal symptoms you see..sigh. getting worserer and worserer(hohoho~) each day. this is really bad. anyway. his mum came along and he ran up to her. so cute you know. then i overheard his mum saying(i was quite far away though..about 6m?) "who came up with the idea of paging me?" it was really funny. and i think i smiled. damn. oh, and i saw something..looks like a perfect christmas present for daniel! wheeeeeee.
okay anyway, feeling more satisfied than ever, i went to walk around a little more proudly clutching my blue Kino plastic bag in my hand.(
FINE, im exaggerating again!) went into M)phosis and i saw a few babydoll tops. ARGH!! dunno which one to get now..i like the white one most..has some gold coloured strings going around here and there. unique, but i think its gonna make me look damn mature again..sigh. oh well. like this black and brown one too. hmmmm. im gonna ask my parents to buy it for me for CNY! and if they refuse, then i'll get it myself. :P
decided to go coffee bean to read my book. got myself a white chocolate dream and settled down in a corner. plugged on my discman which coincidentally, had Jay's Qi Li Xiang playing. so there in the corner, sat this girl with a book in her hand, lost in her own little fantasy world. wahahahaha~ so drama..lol! :P well,
zai4 wo3 bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue3 zhong1, i sat there from 120-430. did nothing but read my book..occasionally glancing up from it to take a good look at the ppl around me. when i first flipped through the book, i thought it was just full of pictures and had very little words. boy how wrong was i. i spent 3 whole hours reading just that book. im only halfway through now..i guess its because its written in traditional chinese thats why im taking such a long time to read it. had a little trouble here and there with the traditional wordings. this is probably one of the only chinese books i'll ever read i guess. other than my chinese text in secondary school and those chinese mags i buy because of one reason or another(im sure you can guess why;)) well actually i wanted to do something, but i decided after a long time that i lack the courage to do it. didnt know if i shld or not..so obviously i didnt in the end. was actually waiting and reading..but well, thats the silly me who is all talk, no action.
so anyway, i left at around 430. luckily Taka's coffee bean wasnt freezing or anything. i even bought a raspberry Esprit when i drank up my white choc dream. took the MRT and got home around 545. okay, its almost 1030! off to watch ANTM!(
whoa, i remembered!:P)
10:28 PM
Shi Jie Mo Ri
Jay Chou
credits: zz –
xiang xiao lai wei zhuang diao xia de yan lei
dian dian tou cheng ren zi ji hui pa hei
我只求 能借一点的时间来陪
wo zhi qiu neng jie yi dian de shi jian lai pei
ni que lian tong qing dou bu gei
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
xiang ku lai shi tan zi ji ma bi le mei
全世界 好象只有我疲惫
quan shi jie hao xiang zhi you wo pi bei
无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
wu suo wei fan zheng nan guo jiu fu yan zou yi hui
dan yuan jue wang he wu nai yuan zou gao fei
天灰灰 会不会
tian hui hui hui bu hui
rang wo wang le ni shi shui
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
我的世界 将被摧毁 也许事与愿违 (也许事与愿违)
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui ye xu shi yu yuan wei
累不累 睡不睡 单影无人相依偎
lei bu lei shui bu shui dan ying wu ren xiang yi wei
夜越黑 梦违背 有谁肯安慰
ye yue hei meng wei bei you shui ken an wei
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui
ye xu tui fei ye shi...
想哭 来试探自己麻痹了没
xiang ku lai shi tan zi ji ma bi le mei
全世界 好象只有我疲惫
quan shi jie hao xiang zhi you wo pi bei
无所无所谓 反正难过就敷衍走一回
wu suo wu suo wei fan zheng nan guo jiu fu yan zou yi hui
dan yuan jue wang he wu nai yuan zou gao fei
天灰灰 会不会
tian hui hui hui bu hui
rang wo wang le ni shi shui
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
我的世界将被摧毁 也许事与愿违
wo de shi jie jiang bei cui hui ye xu shi yu yuan wei
累不累 睡不睡 单影无人相依偎
lei bu lei shui bu shui dan ying wu ren xiang yi wei
夜越黑 梦违背 难追难回味
ye yue hei meng wei bei nan zhui nan hui wei
wo de shi jie jiang be cui hui
也许颓废也是 ~ 另一种美
ye xu tui fei ye shi ~ ling yi zhong mei
2:18 AM
Ni Bi Cong Qian Kuai Le
Jay Chou
credits: xJayChoux – www.jay-chou.net
zou zai xi lai rang wang de jie tou
ni bu zai qian zhe wo de shou
xiao xin yi yi de jiang ni xiao zhi gou
lei ye xiao xin yi yi de liu
you xie shi qing ni zai man zhe wo
ni zhong yu hai shi kai le kou
dan dan yi ju huan shi peng you
lei ye ru dao ge
zhi dao fen shou hou ni bu nan guo
ni bi cong qian kuai le
那祝福的 話叫我如何 能夠說的出口
na zhu fu de hua jiao wo ru he neng gou shuo de chu kou
na guo wang de huan le shi fou tui se
xiang wen ni zen mo she de
bu yao zai er bian zhai shuo ni hui xiang wo
2:52 AM
bloody cockroaches. one just flew on me just now. screamed my lungs out. ran down and screamed again. damn it, by the time my dad came the bloody cockroach disappeared into one of the cracks in my ceiling. shit man i hope it doesnt come out visiting in the middle of the night. my throat hurts after those screaming. i dont even think i screamed that loud during Jay's concert. next time when im going for a concert(most probably Jay's), please remind me to catch a few
xiao qiangs and get whoever my companion is to fling some on me so i wil scream louder. if its just one HUGE one, and i could scream that loud, 2 would mean i could scream twice the loudness.
HEH. im ranting and its just the first paragraph of this entry. it
must be one of the withdrawal symptoms. you know, they dont just appear all at a time..they just start to show after 5 days or so. hmmm..
was my mum's 46(oooh~) birthday yday so my dad brought us out for dinner. my mum took half day leave and left me in the office for her haircut. so i took the shuttle bus after work to Cityhall to meet my mum. it starting raining heavily along the way, plus the traffic was bad. peak hours and all that crap. i dozed off(as usual..) but managed to wake up in time to alight. the bloody entrance to the MRT station was totally packed so i just hecked it and walked over to Cityhall in the rain. went to the saloon to find my mum, and i met her hairstylist(also the one who made my hair look like this;)) her name's Helen and she's really good. but the prices at the saloon, Quest, is
exorbitant. i remember spending over $500 for my rebonding, colour, hairlights, treatments and haircut last Dec. she said that if i dont cut my hair, then the rebonded hair would be okay. but once i cut it, it will go poof. like totally
shitty. unless i go rebond it again. and its gonna cost hundreds. and i wanna recolour my hair too. ARGH. im trying to psycho my mum to pay half for me when she gets her bonus. muahahahaha~ went to walk arounda bit cos my dad and brother werent there yet. went m)phosis and i saw this brown babydoll-halter top. $40+. argh, i like it. damn it.
at about 730PM, my brother called and asked us to meet them at the Capitol area. my dad brought us to this restaurant and microbrewery called BREWERKZ which is near boat quay. its totally cool; really awesome. lotsa crowds, and expats i guess. the atmosphere was really cool. didnt know my dad frequent places like these. the place is really huge, lotsa waiters. there's a section for ppl to watch football matches, a bar top, dart boards and all, and the microbrewery where they brew their own beer. sat in a corner and order our food. man, the servings are huge, so i guess the prices are pretty reasonable since their servings are huge. we ordered 2 pints of Golden Ale(the name of the beer) to share. it said "
low bitterness, most popular", so i guess it must be nice. and low bitterness is just prefect for me. took the first sip and hey beer actually tastes okay. hmmmm. didnt drink a lot though..not really a drinker. this place is really cool. its even bigger and nicer than the german pub jack brought me and yufen to. maybe when im feeling rich i'll come again. with guohao and all. lol~ the total came up to about $170. lol, my dad. he's spending a lot nowadays buying his ams and all..now that he has a bloody car. sheesh.
left around 9PM, then we went to stroll around boat quay a little before going home. fell asleep in the car..zZz. i sleep anywhere and everywhere. seriously. it
must be my late nights.
last day at work today. and school's starting on monday. urgh. everyone was telling me all the best and study hard and those well wishes. like, YUCKS.
poly stinks like crap. gimme fairfield anytime. i think im gonna scrap through this sem like what i did last sem. elena said its okay for girls to fail S&W. cool. i havent been exercising since dont know when. luckily i didnt put on weight. in fact i think i lost a bit of weight. wore my FCUK jeans the other day it felt loose. it usually feels tight. cant weigh myself cos i dont have weighing scale at home. oh well, not like knowning my weight will affect my diet.
so heck it. :)
and SI. so Taufik won. expected lar. he's definitely better than Sylvester. i voted 8 times. lalala~ im gonna have to pay my own phone bill this month. the votings i did, the long phone calls on end, the MMS sending. lalala~ :) Taufik was good at all 3 songs..and everyone seems to like Me and Mrs Jones the most. but i felt it was just him doing his stuff? maybe cos its a song ive never heard before thats why. but one thing is that, i like Sylvester's version of I Dream a lot. somehow it feels very
real, very honest. its like, he makes you feel his desire, his passion. like someone once said, Sylvester has that ability to make you feel as if he's just singing to you alone. and its true i guess. i really like it alot. and actually i didnt want to vote for him, but after hearing him sing that song, i just felt like i had to vote. heh. but anyway like ive mentioned before, Sylvester winning or losing doesnt matter cos he will definitely get a contract(thats before the papers reported it) in fact i remembered i told kelvin NOT to vote for Sylvester. lol~ end up i voted myself. sheesh.
im gonna sleep my afternoon away tmw. until then, ciao~
devotion may be my greatest gift, but it has also proven to be my greatest curse.
11:50 PM
i went to the doctors' today in hope that he might have a cure to curb my withdrawal symptoms but he said there was nothing beyond his means that he could do to help me. the only way is to get Jay to come back here and stage more concerts; or get him to be a PR here. heh.
i think i going crazy already. you might be able to tell from my posts..haha. i dont even know what the heck am i saying. but one thing im sure- i cant believe Jay's concert is already over. i mean i just bought the tickets on the 28th sept..which is like about a month ago. i cant believe time flew by so quickly. sigh. and it also means school is starting soon. next week in fact. sian man. but i guess there's one thing im looking forward to..getting my paycheck. i think it shld be around $1400 cos there's no CPF cut. yay~ but after deducting some expenses and "debts" i owe my parents, im left with like $1000 or so. plus im setting aside $200 for my haircut and dye job. and i wanna knit a sweater for myself which will cost like $150? GAHHH. im gonna choose a purple shade or brown. like the one Jay wore during his concert. ;)
was looking through the list of awards Jay won since he released his first album. MAN, the list is so bloody long. i counted, and it totalled up to a whooping 139 or so. OMG. what the heck. man, he IS Jay. alright, im going off to view the video clips to THE concert of THE year! :))))
11:47 PM