screw that Straits Times reporter who said this about Jay:
"Everything at the concert was great except for Jay Chou's mostly-horrendous outfits. But we are sure his fans will forgive him for that." WTF LAR. his outfits
ROCK like nothing man. stupid review. and whoever Samuel Lee is..dont let me see him on the streets. and so what if he wore purple form head to toe? try putting Taufik on the Idol stage in purple from head to toe and see if he looks
as suave as Jay? try putting SYLVESTER on the Idol stage from head to toe and see if he looks
as cool as Jay? c'mon. neither of them will look half as good as Jay alright. Jay is truly incomparable. his complexion is flawless, maybe save for the occasionally pimple outbreak(but not like it will make him any less popular). look at Taufik for example. his pockmarked face. EW. look at Jay's to-die-for body(damn he didnt go topless during his concert). and look at everdearest Sylvester Sim. scrawny(yes, you heard it from me.) and thin.
Jay plays the piano amazingly well, plays the drums, guitar, violin, nanchukus(sp?), basketball, composes, sings..what else? GREAW. to think i was actually looking forward to the concert reviews in the papers man. and they did the review on friday's concert instead of saturday's. like, what the hell lar. saturday was the better one alright. more crowd and the atmostphere was better. it was supposed to be the first show anyway. damn.
DAMN, im freaking disappointed. i expected him to be on the cover page, or at least occupy 2 whole pages of the ST today. im so disappointed.
anyway Jay only left today! he was at Heeren yday shopping! ARGH. i was supposed to go down to town with my parents but i couldnt wake up. ARGH. regretssssss. i cant wait for the concert VCD to be out man. although they probably wont show the Singapore one. most probably Taiwan's, or HK's. i changed my mind already. i decided i want to go for his HK AND Taiwan concerts at least once. im so gonna start saving now. piak, wanna join me? :P okay im off. i dont think i can sleep though..still feeling damn high especially after watching all the video clips of his concert. i cant believe the concert's already over so quickly! mannnn, Jay please come back soon alright! *sigh* oh yea. my photos are up
here. pretty blur and small. but what the heck. better than nothing.
OH SHIT. i forgot to watch America's Next Top Model again. (cos i was too busy downloading the clips to Jay's concert you see) :)
p/s: i think my laptop's screwed. the chinese words dont come out on my blog. but FYI, it says
"Wu Yu Lun Bi - Diao Bu Diao?"
1:03 AM
Incomparable To Jay has gotta be the
BEST concert ive ever attended so far!(not like i went to many anyway but you get the idea huh.) its
EVEN BETTER than F4's man! like duh~! was supposed to meet piak at Tiong Bahru Mc at 6, but i overslept so i got there only at 615PM. took 16 down to SIS. was just chatting throughout the trip. man, nothing beats talking about 4F man. anyway. we found our entrance and got there at 720PM. there were ushers checking bags, and i was so afraid they would want us to surrender our cameras, luckily they didnt.
*phew* so we went to the toilet before heading to our seats. the stadium was still damn empty when we got there..so we waited and waited. and the crowds just streamed in as time went by. saw Lin Jun Jie there too. read fron TNP that Sylvester and Taufik were going to his concert too, but unfortunately, i saw neither of them. anyway thats not important. suddenly there was this black "tunnel" or passageway coming out from one of the exits. the crowds got high and cheered. time ticked by slowly and soon it was about 835PM. no sign of Jay. the stadium
DAMN packed by now. most seats were taken up, save for some which were cordoned off(i dont know why) and some single seaters. there were about 8 screens hanging from the ceiling, and the lights dimmed a little. crowd went wild, cheering began. still no sign of Jay. then some Panasonic handphone ads started playing and the crowd just cheered and screamed.
then at about 845, the lights went off, and music started playing.
CROWD WENT CRAZY. just screaming and cheering. lightsticks glew in the dark; and were all over the place. the atmosphere was great. everyone was high. i was f**king excited and nervous. ive never seen Jay in person despite supporting him for years. the scene was just totally crazy. lightsticks moving about, it was REALLY cool. there were not much banners, mostly lightsticks. Yi Fu Zhi Ming started playing. went on for a few seconds, minutes maybe, i dont remember.
STILL no sign of Jay. you know YFZM has this like, beginning to the song..piano playing and some eerie screaming. then that part ended, and BANG! the red velvet cloth covering the stage slowly dropped down.
THERE HE WAS, COOL AND SUAVE AS EVER, standing on this raised platform(about a few metres high). he was leaning on this cross-like thingy, not moving, just leaning on it, mumbling as usual. crowd just screamed like there's no tomorrow. the concert has begun.
he descended from that platform and came on the stage. he was totally suave in that black glittery suit man. his hair is ULTRA COOL. black with part of his fringe dyed ash or some other light colour i cant tell what. i cant remember the exact order of the songs he sang, but it was totally awesome man! after the first few songs he disappeared below the stage and the lights sorta went out. then he appeared again sitting on a chair with 2 other dancers and did some stunts with the chair. OMG IT ROCKS! it was really cool man! his dancing improved SO much! he sang a few songs and he disappeared below the stage again. came up without his jacket. white shirt with a shiny silvery tie.
OMG HE LOOKS TOTALLY COOL MAN! and there was a part when he sang Luan Wu Chun Qiu and he added something about Singapore! he said his fans were still as "re qing" like they were 2 years ago and even though he doesnt always come here as often we still remember him! something like "hao xiang mei you wang ji wo" AHHHHH!! he's SO cute! *faints* and he sang Zui Hou De Zhan Yi with 2 of NQMM's members on the guitars and it was damn nice! it was like a softer melody compared to the album's but it was so nice!
he sang over 30 songs but some were sung halfway or merged with another song..sorta like being remixed like piak said. Nan Quan Mama and Landy Wen were his guest stars and they rocked the stadium too! Jay got a few of them to accompany him on the guitar and the piano..they rock man! there was this part when Yu Hao played the piano with him..OH MAN I LITERALLY MELTED MAN! his fingers were
SO QUICK AND FAST i seriously wonder how he actually managed to do it man! it was really COOL. i wanted to record it with the cam but i didnt know how to operate the video functions. ARGH. and his piano was
PINK! how cool! even though its not my favourite colour but what the heck. and after he played the piano with Yu Hao he said something like
"Yu Hao tan gang qin man bu cuo ma" then the crowded cheered. then he added
"wo ye tan de bu cuo ma" and everyone just screamed their lungs away man!!! wahahahaha! he's SO cuteeeeeeee. and there was this part when he asked Yu Hao what songs of his does he know how to play, and Yu Hao said something about
"shen me dou bu hui" or whatever and Jay replied saying
"ying gai shuo shen me dou hui!" AHHHH! then they sang An Jing.
OMFG i can just melt recalling yday night's performance man!
he sang this song Ai Wo Bie Zou and it rocks! ive never heard it before but somehow i just managed to sing the chorus with him! AHHHHH! it was damn high! everyone stood and waved their lightsticks non-stop. he played on the flute too! for Ti Tian and Pa Wo Hui Lai Le. OMG, HE'S SO BLOODY TALENTED MAN! i didnt know he could play the flute! and his dancing
REALLY REALLY improved a whole damn lot! i bet he practised REALLY hard for this concert man. and i swear he took my breath(S) away when he sang Hui Dao Guo Qu on the guitar man! he spoke a lot compared to his THE ONE concert from what i heard online on the forums. he even sang a cantonese song even though it sounded really funny..but its okay! he's Jay! forgivable! was expecting him to sing Wu Ding with Wen Lan, but they didnt. and the way he teased and flirted with the audience just made us go CRAZY man! i bet he was DAMN satisfied! he kept saying we are very
"re qing"! AHHHHHH!
time flew by REALLY quickly during the concert. sigh! and halfway through the concert when he disappeared into the stage i was talking to piak and my voice sounded really different. and my throat hurts a whole damn lot but i didnt care. i just continued screaming my guts out everytime he did something! AHHHHHH! it was crazy. the crowd was high. the mood was fantastic. it just rocks like nothing! and his costumes ROCK the hell outta me man! he wore this purple shirt and my gosh.
NO GUY EVER LOOKED THAT SEXY IN PURPLE MAN! and he ended the concert in this BROWN sweater like shirt. OMG. BROWN. totally turns me on man! WAHAHAHAHAHA! its my favourite colour, and no one ever looked that good in it man!
he danced a lot, sang non-stop, disappeared a few times making the crowd demand for more. omg. was standing up and taking lots of photos. about 200 over. screamed non-stop like there's no tomorrow. and Jay was high too man! he jumped on those speaker boxes which were at the 4 corners of the stage. everywhere he face the crowd just screamed and yelled man! his last song was Ye Ye Pao De Cha and he danced with his dancers. BOY. i literally melted man! waved my hands like crazy, screamed my lungs out like nothing, jumped and shaked like nobody's business. it was CRAZY.
and the encore part was the best man! everyone chanted and screamed. it was like a yawn man. contagious. one person screamed and the rest followed suit. we just screamed like nuts. sheesh. the first encore had us waiting for about 5-10 minutes? it felt like forever man! he sang Kai Bu Liao Kou and the most awaited Qi Li Xiang! he got us to sing together with him and it was FANTASIC man! and after the first encore nobody left. the lights didnt even come on. everyone just chanted his name. "Jie Lun Jie Lun.." and this drummer came up and played something. he started this beat or something that went "BANG BANG BANG" everytime he hit the clang-y things. i forgot the name..starts with C i think. and he got the crowd chanting
"ZHOU. JIE. LUN. ZHOU. JIE. LUN." IT WAS CRAZY. then suddenly music started playing and Jay, NQMM and Landy appeared together. this time Jay was on the drums on a raised platform. he was wearing this flowery shirt and boots. OH MAN HE WAS SO SEXY. i think i almost fainted. he can wear anything and look amazingly good. or wear nothing and look droolicious. works either ways. ;) he was SO F**KING COOL on the drums man!! argh! they sang Bai Se Lie Hen together and it
ROCKED THE STADIUM DOWN. at the end of the performance Jay threw the drumsticks he was using towards the East and the North side. oh man whoever that lucky chap is..oh and somehow at the end i tried to take a last picture of him and gang hao he bend down and i got a pic of his butt. WOOHOO~ *drools* lol~
and there was no third encore. SIGH. the concert lasted about 2 1/2 hours; ended at 1115PM. me and piak sorta refused to leave but the ushers were chasing ppl away. went out and was waiting at the back entrance for Jay to come out. there were lots of ppl waiting too..but suddenly my phone rang and my mum told me they were there already. like WTF? so early! so i had no choice but to leave.
SIGH. i was damn high yday, and still am now as i recall yday night's concert. even if i were to lose my voice it would be all worth it man. me and piak agreed that we would go to his next concert together, get the front row seats and bring lightsticks. be like those hardcore ones! woohoo~ and i just decided that i wanna go for his HK concert at least once. fly there just for his concert. im gonna do it man. and nobody's stopping me. like i told piak, be hardcore more fun. it was wild, awesome, totally crazy, exceptionally high. the crowd made the concert really high. brought it to its peak. from what i heard in the forums, this concert is the BEST among all his concerts here. but i think he only held 2? hmm not very sure. at first i was quite apprehensive cos i heard someone saying Jay doesnt sound good sing "live", but man did he prove me wrong. IT ROCKED LIKE NOTHING. he's doing nothing but improving each time. this concert is so aptly named.
INCOMPARABLE. yea, nobody is comparable to Jay. at least in the eyes of the concert-goers yday and friday. ;) went for supper at The Oasis after the concert. i was hungry but it didnt really affect me. you know i survived yday with only a Mcdonald's Sausage McMuffin Meal and an apple the whole day? im surprised. but i guess seeing Jay in person is more than sufficient. ;)
no words can describe that feeling i had yday. or perhaps i shld even say the feeling of everyone who attended the concert. im going to attend every single one of his concerts from now on. die die must go. came up with this in the car yday.
indescribable. inexplicable. indefinable.
currently my msn nick too. ;P to me, this concert is truly incomparable. 27th Nov. i'll remember this day for life man. my first-ever Jay chou concert. sigh. cant believe he's gone already. oh well. i apologise for my very annoying post and non-stop gushing. im just an average teenage girl. cant blame me right? :P oh and also for my very limited vocab. =| anyway you can check out my photos
perhaps i guess there's only one word in Jay's words to describe his concert yday night. 屌. ;)
1:45 AM
indescribable. inexplicable. indefinable.
blogger is currently suffering from withdrawal symptoms due to the
INCOMPARABLE TO JAY concert on the 27th. symptoms include depression, excitement, non-stop chatter and gushing about
JAY, repetitive drooling over
JAY, constant talk about Grand Hyatt Hotel where
JAY is, talk about sending
JAY off, loss of sleep over
JAY, endless talk about the upcoming
JAY concert next year..
p/s: symptoms may vary according to individual.
2:54 AM
David Tao
zhong yu ming bai ni yi gai bian cheng hui yi
mei you yan yu neng gou shuo ming dang bie ren wen qi
pu le yi duan xuan lu mei you ju dian
ye wu fa zai ji xu
xiang mai fu zai jie tou de mou zhong qi xi
wu yi jing jing guo ba wang ri xiao yu lei gou qi
hu ran xin tong de wu fa zai ya ying
yuan lai chong wei wang ji
nao hai zhong de xuan lu zhuan ge bu ting
爱过你 有太多话忘了要告诉你
ai guo ni you tai duo hua wang le yao gao shu ni
wu shu dong ren yin fu zai wo shen ming
爱过你 失去你我才知道要珍惜
ai guo ni shi qu ni wo cai zhi dao yao zhen xi
dang shi wu fa wei ni xie de na shou ge
que shi wo yong yuan de yi han
dang ai shi qu
ru guo suo you de chuo chong lai yi ci
neng fou gai bian jie ju
zhong yu luo xia xiu zhi fu de na shou ge
wo ting zhe mei yi ge yin fu liu guo de hui yi
wei shen me zai zhe me duo nian yi hou
hai bu neng shuo zai jian
nao hai zhong de xuan lu ru ci shou xi
爱过你 在我心里只能轻轻叹息
ai guo ni zai wo xin li zhi neng qing qing tan xi
wu shu dong ren yin fu zai wo shen ming
爱过你 失去你我才知道要珍惜
ai guo ni shi qu ni wo cai zhi dao yao zhen xi
Melody oh Melody
wo yong yuan bu neng wang ji
ni shi duo me de mei li
rang zhe yin yue yi zhi bu ting xiang qi
Melody oh Melody
wo she bu de qu wang ji
wo men kuai le de guo qu
qing bie rang wo chong zhe meng jing qing xing
nao hai zhong de xuan lu ru ci shou xi
爱着你 求你听我唱完这一段旋律
ai zhe ni qiu ni ting wo chang wan zhe yi duan xuan lu
qing bu yao li qu
ni shi zai wo nao hai bu ting de xuan lu
爱过你 我的心里只能无言叹息
ai zhe ni wo de xin li zhi neng wu yan tan qi
wu shu dong ren yin fu zai zhe shen ming
爱过你 失去后我才知道要珍惜你
ai zhe ni shi qu hou wo cai zhi dao yao zhen xi ni
11:38 PM
had a date with guohao, elena and kelvin. got to orchard around 615PM..was still freaking early, so i went to walk around a little at Wisma alone. mum went home alone. Topshop was damn crowded, so i got damn sian. went down to FCUK. and fcuk, i saw the tees i wanted! the one which says "I (big heart) FCUK" and the one with the sequins(sp?), but the sequinned one costs $69. argh. then i saw another white tee with really cool design. i love that. i think im gonna get it. :) went to Mango and it was in a state of mess. damn it, singaporeans are such suckers. throwing stuff everywhere after looking at it. was feeling gloomy so i decided to leave for holland and sit at BK while waiting for the guys.
took 106. damn it. it was freaking cold with that unadjustable air-con blowing into my face, or rather my right arm. luckily i brought my cardigan from office. plugged into David Tao's
Ultrasound, the current CD on my discman. and the songs simply made me more gloomy. reached holland first at around 715PM(was supposed to meet at 730PM). sat down at the tables..didnt have my book with me, so i took out my phone and msged elena. said she'll be late. and guohao's only at his bloody school busstop. so i knew they were gonna take a long time. feeling gloomier than before, i started reading the 60+ msgs i kept in my phone. and i almost cried there and then at BK. i controlled of course. looking at the dates of the msgs and
it suddenly occured to that that this month seem to fly by amafcukingzingly fast. thought about certain things, then decided not to think about it anymore. and yes i got to mention, ive been swearing hell lot recently. i dont know why..be it silently swearing in my head, or just out loud. i realised that when i get hooked on a word for a while, i'll just keep using that word over and over again. anyway, whatever.
then suddenly kelvin appeared. so my train of thoughts got disrupted(luckily, i guess.) and i kept my discman. gave guohao a call and he said he was only at bukit gombak(wtf?!) so we talked while waiting, and
FINALLY elena and guohao came at ONLY 815PM. and yea you guessed as much, i was cursing about me missing tonight's episode of SI. ARGH.
can you believe it? i actually ditched SI(or rather, Sylvester;P) for my friends. haha, amazing isnt it? didnt know where to dine, so we decided on BK since it was cheap and good. didnt managed to finish my entire mushroom swiss meal. kinda losing appetite a bit these days. shrugs.
went to coffee bean after dinner. wanted ice blended green tea, but i forgot only starbucks has it, so i settled for pure choc. stayed till around 10PM before heading to the busstop to take 106. missed the first bus cos it was bloody packed, or rather, the ppl at the back didnt want to move it. managed to squeeze up the second bus, and by the time i boarded 198, it was almost 1020PM. as usual, plugged on
Ultrasound and stared out at the window. a few msgs came..and gradually i dozed off. as usual i mean. when i woke up, i realised i missed my stop, so i quickly alighted at the next one and started walking back. its not very far off, like, 10-15 mins away. and i was in the mood for walking too. must be the gloomy me, and the lyrics of David Tao's
Ultrasound..haha. somehow i was in the mood for some crying too, and then the tears started to fall. it was about 11PM..still had ppl on the streets, but i didnt give a shit. but by the time i got into the lift, the tears sorta dried up and i didnt looked like i cried at all.
the few hours spent with the 3 of them certainly kept my mind off things. it was just a few hours, but i throughly enjoyed myself. we kept thinking about the silly little things we did back in secondary school, and boy were we laughing hard. that BK meal took such a long time to finish cos we were just laughing too hard. i miss fairfield. thats what i always say when im out with my friends from FMSS. oh well,
tian xia wu bu shan zhi yan xi; or in english,
all good things must come to an end. and this good blog entry must end too, for i need sleep. zZz..gotta wake at 7AM tmw. ciao~
1:24 AM
David Tao
feng chui luo zhui hou yi pian ye
wo de xin ye piao zhe xue
爱只能往回忆里堆栈 oh~ 给下个季节
ai zhi neng wang hui yi li tui die oh~ gei xia de ji jie
hu ran jian shu shang mao hui rui
wo zhen me hui dou mei you gan jue
整条街 都是恋爱的人 我独自走在暖风的夜
zhen tiao jie dou shi lian ai de ren wo du zhi zou zai nuan feng de ye
多想要向过去告别 当季节不停更迭 oh~
duo xiang yao xiang guo qu gao bie dang ji jie bu ting geng bie oh~
却还是少一点坚决 在这寂寞的季节
que hai shi shao yi dian jian jue zai zhe ji mo de ji jie
艳阳高照在那海边 爱情盛开的世界
yan yang gao zhao zai na hai bian ai qing sheng kai de shi jie
远远看着热闹一切 oh~ 我记得那狂烈
yuan yuan kan zhe re nao yi qie oh~ wo ji de na kuang lie
感伤在心中有一些 oh~
chuang wai shi kuai ku huang de ye
gan shang zai xin zhong you yi xie oh~
我了解 那些爱过的人 心是如何慢慢在凋谢
wo liao jie na ai guo de ren xin shi ru he man man zai diao xie
多想要向过去告别 当季节不停更迭 oh~
duo xiang yao guo qu gao bie dang ji jie bu ting geng bie oh~
却永远少一点坚决 在这寂寞的季节
que yong yuan shao yi dian jian jue zai zhe ji mo de ji jie
又走过风吹的冷冽 最后一盏灯熄灭
you zou guo feng chui de leng lie zhui hou yi zzhan deng xi mie
从回忆我慢慢穿越 在这寂寞的季节
chong hui yi wo man man chuan yue zai zhe ji mo de ji jie
还是寂寞的季节 一样寂寞的季节
hai shi ji mo de ji jie yi yang ji mo de ji jie
have a safe trip..:)
1:59 AM
Before Sunset is bloody nice.
I WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN. in the theatres, or the DVD, or maybe i can try downloading. but i've never download a movie from the internet before. and i cant seem to find it on kazaa. anyone wanna help? hmmm. although the show is only like, about 1 and a half hour long, it really rocks. plus Ethan Hawke is gorgeous, and Julie Delpy is quite pretty. nice features. and their conversation were so fun, so natural..it didnt seem like a movie at all. there are a few very meaningful quotes, but i bloody cant remember it. its really nice, and i want to watch it again. oh, and i love the top Julie Delpy wore during the show. hahahaha. :P oh, and i must watch Before Sunrise too. i bet it would be equally good.
went to watch it with
a friend. she didnt want me to blog about her, but i want to cos its so hilarious..so i shallnt mention her name to be fair. :) hey babe, see im so nice. *grins* i think yday was like the funniest time spent together with her. we laughed quite a bit..although i dont know why because so many shits are happening to me and probably her as well. i had a good time. my mood changed quite a bit after lunch time. went to catch the show at Cine and it was damn crowded. and she was so funny lar. she brought a packet of tissue for me cos she knew i would cry(for the record, i cried not because of the movie, but because i was reminded of something). and i didnt really cry. it was just a few drops of tears. sheesh. -_-" anyway going out with her is such a chore because she doesnt want to make *any* decisions! when i ask her something, she'll direct it back to me! greaw. so i end up making all the decisions. sigh sigh. she finds it stressful to be with me too. why does everyone feel that way. oh well. stomach wasnt feeling too good after a while, and i wanted to go home. and she was like, grabbing me every few minutes. haha..and she even "sent" me home. not exactly to my doorstep..she just alighted at the same stop as me and walked home from my place. -_-"
anyway thanks for being so spontaneous. and thanks for accompanying me. :)
Mamma Mia! was so fun! its really good. go catch it. like dorcas said, its makes you feel like dancing. haha. and it feels so good to be back at esplanade. missed it. everything's like kinda different now. shuko is no longer there..the hot snacks they sell are different, the arrangement of beverages and stuff. fion looked chubbier..maybe she's pregnant? winne cut her hair real short..almost a bob but she could still tie it. and jimmy's gonna leave too. man, i miss those days. i said i wanted to go stroll around alone, but i couldnt cos my dad came to pick me up since he was around that area..yea. so i didnt manage to walk over to Fullerton or something. but i think if i did, i might just burst out crying halfway or something. so much shits happened recently. i feel like, totally lost or something. i didnt even expect any of it to happen. like, never at all. and i dont even think im going to continue talking about it anymore.
the great pretender. and that's me.
11:17 PM
you wrote this song..and i guess its more than appropriate for me to dedicate this to you..
Let It Die
Since the day i met you
Ive been struggling to
To hold on to
This forbidden love
This thought that it carved
Deeply in my heart
So should i give up?
Since i cant fit in
Into your heart
Into your mind
Let my tears run dry
I had my face on the bed
What have i said?
That drove you away?
Dried, are my tears
Through all these years
This pain has been my fear
Hey, I could almost smell
These tears that are falling down
Seems to have your smile
Reflected with the sound
That goes...
So should i give up?
Since i cant fit in
Into your heart
Into your mind
Just let my heart die...
11:08 PM
..and it broke thrice.
10:00 PM
Sister Hazel
Best I'll Ever Be
I miss you
I miss being overwhelmed by you
And I need rescued
I think I'm fading away
But I keep thinking that you'll wake me up with a whisper in my ear
I keep hoping that you'll sneak in my room
So I wait and I wait
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days we laid by the school and said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be
I miss you
I miss talking all night long with you
And I need this to find a way to your home
My love can you hear me
Have I been hoping loud enough, wishing hard enough
Can you see me when I'm asleep all alone - alone
So I wait and I wait
And I run myself in the same old circles
I sit and I stare
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days that we laid by the school and said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be
Can't keep my hands from shaking
Stumbling through the wreckage again
But you're gone
So I wait and I wait
And I run myself in the same old circles
And I sit and I stare
And I run old scenes through my tired head
Of the days that we laid on our backs and said forever
Was that the best I'll ever be
Was that the best I'll ever be
Was that the best I'll ever be
9:06 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :)
10:50 PM
dumdeedeedum, listening to Sylvester's songs now. cool;) sigh. i wonder if he will get out tmw. the judges were so harsh on him today, and they were praising Taufik to the skies. yea, i admit, Taufik's good. i have no objections(who am i to have any anyway?) about him winning SI. in fact, i would rather Taufik win. but the judges were so frigging harsh on Sylvester today! you can tell he did his best you know. well, i knew he tried and is still trying. and the way he tries to please and thank his fans is just so sweet. makes me go
"awww" when i was watching him in front of the TV. and he even wore the same shirt that he wore on the Wildcard episode. i knew that shirt was familar. he's so sweet. i wish he was my bf..*drools* hahahahaha! i bet dorcas is so gonna roll her eyes when she reads this. lol! :P i quite like his version of Picture of You. was quite surprised when Gurmit announced that he was doing that song..wonder if he could carry it off, and guess what? i thought he did. made me feel like dancing to it. haha. his first and third song was pretty alright..'cept that his diction is kinda bad but how many of us can speak purrrfect english? and he sorta went outta tune a bit on Kiss From A Rose. anyhow, im still gonna vote for him no matter what. at least i know as a fan, i tried. :) really wanna catch the Finals on the 1st Dec. anybody has tickets to spare? really wanna go. hmm.
pretty excited about Mamma Mia! this saturday, and Jay's Incomparable the next. woohoo~ gonna catch Mamma Mia! with my cousin(her name's charmaine btw) for the matinee show at 230PM. dont know if i have to work on saturday..if i do, then i gotta rush from work cos it ends at 1PM. but im gonna be left on my own after the show cos charmaine's going out with her bf before he leaves to Taiwan(-_-") but its okay i guess. havent been spending time alone..haha. yea yea, call me a loner or whatever. sometimes i just like being alone. who doesnt need time alone anyway? planning to stroll around Esplanade a bit..walk around Citylink, then head home. yep, thats what i'll do. but i dont mind company..haha. havent caught a movie in ages. i want to watch Ladder49. dont mind watch Incredibles too. looks cute. heh. but i really really wanna watch Before Sunset. sigh sigh! no time man. too bad i guess. who asked me to work my hols away..gahh. dont even get to enjoy it. damn. ahh, like wee cheng said, opportunity cost. -_-"
10:37 PM

whoa. nice huh. i love the colour, although i thought it shld be a little darker. now my room is so neat and spacious. i cant believe its actually *my* room!
1:08 AM
man, i swear my heart
almost jumped out just now during the results show. i
only voted 4 times. but i used my mum's phone to vote once, and his phone for another. heh. although i know(and perhaps everyone else too) Sylvester will make it big whether he win or loses, i still hope to see him win lar. i might lose interest in SI totally if he goes out. but next week its either him, or Olinda. Taufik's the one lar. his place in the finals is already secured. no fears for his supporters ehh. hmm i would prefer Taufik or Sylvester to win instead of Olinda. somehow. her range is quite limited i guess. she'll probably appeal to older, balding men. haha! geez im so mean.
this week went by so quickly. sheesh. soon, schools' gonna reopen - in december. ARGH. wtf lar. seriously. who the heck ever heard of school in december?! its the christmas season for goodness sake! all mood is lost at the thought of school in december. what a turn off man. on the lighter note, im so happy ive got a job cos it means i can strike more things off my wishlist. heh heh! my hot pink bag from Xcessories is in a bad state. the handle sorta detached itself.
its hanging by thin threads now. my mum tried to sew it back but the needle aint flexible enough. i'll probably bring it back to the shop and see if they can fix it. its pretty new, not even a year old. i dont even know how the heck did the threads come loose. so my mum bought me a new bag today from Tangs! wheeeeeee. i just love psycho-ing my mum yo bring me things.
muahahahaha! evil evil ehh? ha, i dont care. i'll pay her back when i get my pay lar. im gonna give my parents $200 each! see, im nice okay. oh, and my mum bought a belt for me yday too! :D
think we'll be going out shopping on sunday again cos my dad's getting the house painted. the workers will be here at *gasp*
8AM!! MY SLEEP!! ARGH. im so gonna die i tell you. but luckily monday's a public hol and shopping keeps me awake! heheh! oh erm, met him today. haha. sometimes things just happen when you least expect them too, ehh? :) ciao for now.
oh forgot this. was reading yufen's blog when i remembered we got our results today. haha, totally forgot to post it here. here's what i got. and im pretty satisfied even though they're crap. i didnt put in much effort, so i dont expect anything. im just grateful i didnt fail
any. :)
11:20 PM
Coco Lee
Before I Fall In Love
My heart says we've got something real
Can I trust the way I feel
'Cause my heart's been fooled before
Am I just seeing what I want to see
Or is it true, could you really be
Someone to have and hold
With all my heart and soul
I need to know, before I fall in love
Someone who'll stay around
Through all my ups and downs
Please tell me now, before I fall in love
I'm at the point of no return
So afraid of getting burned
But I want to take a chance
Please give me a reason to believe
Say, you're the one
That you'll always be
It's been so hard for me
To give my heart away
But I would give my everything
Just to hear you say
Someone to have and hold
With all my heart and soul
I need to know, before I fall in love
Someone who'll stay around
Through all my ups and downs
Please tell me now, before I fall in love
never knew the lyrics of this song was so meaningful. since i cant express myself with written words, i'll do it with a song instead.
12:06 AM
Sylvester totally blew me away with his version of "An Jing" and "Katrina". somehow i just like "Katrina" even though i've never heard the original version by david tao. but wei lien says david tao's version is way better(hmm like duh~) wonder if i shld vote for him..heh. have this feeling he wont make it to the top 2 even though i want him to..ahhh i'll vote..twice? haha. cant afford to vote that much - my phone bill's gonna burst. ahh hell with it. i really really really really hope Daphne goes out tmw. i just, dont like her voice. her rendition of "Ni Yao De Ai" was,
URGHS. she kept smiling thoughout the song. made it sound happy. sheesh! its supposed to be emotional and kinda sad in a way. i just dislike it! URGHS!
guohao, heard me? i dislike her songs!(not her) okay i sound like i know a whole damn lot about muzik when apparently i dont. well sue me if you're not happy.
dad's gonna repaint the house this weekend. i choose 2
shades of purple for my room! woohoo~ wanted to paint my room myself..thought of drawing rainbows and stars or something. haha, but a rainbow would need 7 colours! guess how much paint i've gotta buy. lol. i'll probably do up my room a little more after the painting's done. like put on curtains at my windows. and now that my Jay & F4 posters are off(they fell off), i can like, paste stuff all over my walls. wheeeee. i'll make a trip down to IKEA someday when im free. woot.
woke up at 230PM today with an aching back. my back problem is getting worse. got a review in december again. might need to get those body braces. icks. my dad bought a new plasma TV. 42" one costing him $4999. -_-" dunno if my parents are pa jiao or what. need such a HUGE TV for what. he shld like, give me the money to invest in some Gucci(
HAHA!) wallet or something. i
so want a Tiffany charm bracelet. urghs. gotta work tmw. but im looking forward to the long holidays! dont have to work on monday too cos its Hari Raya! wheeeee. although it means i will have to earn $64 lesser. but well, i know its worth it. heh heh. might be meeting up with guohao and all on saturday too. yay. my saturdays are permanantly booked. meeting guohao and gang this sat, going for
Mamma Mia! the next,
Jay's concert(*screams*) the following. man, time flies.
and soon he's leaving. sigh. oh, our exam results will be out tmw. =s am crossing my fingers. dont let me fail any module, esp POA.
ARGH. oh yea, forgot to mention that i bumped into
dorcas(!) yday at FCUK. hurhur. she sorta did a little scream. hahaha. sorry i dont have time for us to go blading!
sorry! soon k? i promise! :)
10:59 PM
The Eagles
Love Will Keep Us Alive
I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
11:51 PM
the only thing she has to lose, is her
1:25 AM
The Corrs
All The Love In The World
I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friends, I'm more than OK
I've got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but it's not all they say
Still I believe I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me
Don't wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
All I need is to know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
I've often wondered if love's an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I can't criticize it I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
Still I believe
I'm missing something real
I need someone who really sees me
Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
I'm only human
And nights grow colder
With no one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me
And I won't wake up alone anymore
Still believing you'll walk through my door
You'll reach for me and I'll know it's for sure
Then I'll give all the love in the world
(Don't wanna wake up alone)
11:55 PM
man, guess what time i woke up today. 430PM. yea, you read that right, 430PM. first time ever getting 12 hours of sleep. ha, i didnt even believe i could sleep for that long. maybe i shld do this more often, ie sleeping for longer hours on sundays to make up for all the sleep i lost during the week. hahahaha, just kidding lar. sleep is good, but i think i could do much more productive stuff(like what?!) other than sleeping.
wee cheng msged at 4 but i was still asleep..asked if i was home. so i replied only when i woke up..then i went to bathe. had 2 missed calls from her. so i called her back. she said she's at the coffeeshop near my house and asked me to go meet her so she could return me Shopaholic & Sister. i was quite surprised that she managed to find her way to my place cos its actually quite a distance away from the busstop. so i went down to meet her. and boy was she in a good mood. sheesh. i shall be nice and NOT blog about it here. but if you're really curious, drop me a msg on MSN and i'd gladly tell you. HAHAHA. :) cos she said if i blogged about it, she'll kill me with her comb(?!). you know those sharp pointed ones. anyway she was high i suppose. kept smiling to herself. scary sia. damn scary. you wont wanna catch her um chio-ing. =s so we stayed there for a while before leaving.
SIGH. yday the remaining SI peeps(Sylvester, Taufik, Olinda & Daphne) were at cine for some meet & greet session. yea, but i didnt go cos guohao had something on at sentosa and kelvin went to celebrate zhi kai's birthday, so both of them werent free to go down with me. =( somehow i have this feeling that Sylvester might get voted off this week..but i really hope not. i might just burst out crying if he goes man. argh. yea anyway so i was in town yday with my parents. it was damn crowded lar. saw this very nice Gucci wallet, and i have a feeling my mum is gonna buy it for me. muahahahahaha! blech:)
oh lemme post this erm, quiz thingy wee cheng sent me. its for you to forward to ppl to fill it up with stuf about you. and some of the answers are like common. i'll just bold those funny ones. lol.
this is by
wee cheng..
1. What's my name? dellia lim
2. Where did we meet? erm i've got to copy your ans and say online (oh no, no originality) -_-"
3. Where do i live? jurong west.. let me guess blk 402? i swear i dint check.. so dont blame me if its wrong =(
4. How long have you known me? not long enough =)
5. How many siblings do i have? i elder bro
6. Do I smoke? no no no *sigh* why not? (uh-oh *slaps myself*)
7. Do I believe in God? yep, dats wad you said
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression? erm seriously, i forgot liao =( i'm so sorry
9. My age? seventeen
10. Birthday? 13.08 *see? i remember
11. What is my hair color? brown
12. Eye color? black? brown? *heesh
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? what do you think? =p
14. What's one of my favorite things to do? shopping, read shopohalics,
15. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you? i cant *sorry =(
16. What's my favorite type of music? jay chou,
sylvester, david tao, goo goo dolls
17. What is the best feature about me? your smile =)
18. Am I shy or outgoing? a mixture of both ba
19. Would you say I am funny? yep *burst out laughing at the sight of you* oops i'm mean *just joking*.. but yea i guess.. make me go *pengz* hahaha
20. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules? i dunno.. erm.. follow the rules?
21. Any special talents? hm i have got no idea man =|
22. What qualities do i have when it comes to friendship/love? caring *i know it sounds cliche but i really mean it.. =)
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, silent, raver, or rocker, or something else?
ROCKER.. no la, bluff you one .. -_-"
24. Have you ever seen me cry? nope, i hope to.. hahaha =|
25. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? dunno.. you're you.. no nicknames good enough =p
26. What / Who do I love? some guy.. haha no la.. let me guess.. hm.. me? xlolx =p
27. Have i ever told you I liked you? nope *oww i'm so sad*
28. What type of guys do i go for? talented
29. When was the last time we spent time together? when we watched 2046
30. What is my favorite food? let me think, LJS cheesecake chocolates..
31. My favorite movie? uh oh ... erm.. hm.. erm.. i've got no idea... no wait..
dat jerry yan movie.. hope so.. heesh
32. Do i have a pet? dont think so (and btw, i dont have a pet)
33. What are the things u enjoy doing with me? everything *heesh*
34. If we're together, are you proud of me? yep
35. Am I the type you'd want to marry? nope, i dont ever wanna marry.. so ya.. no chance.. lolx
36. If, in one hour, I'll be gone forever...what will be your last words for me? hey wait man, i want to join you too =p
this is by
1. What's my name?
dellia lim wei qi
2. Where did we meet?
3. Where do i live?
jurong west
4. How long have you known me?
since sec 4 i think.
5. How many siblings do i have?
1 elder bro
6. Do I smoke?
no for goodness sake
7. Do I believe in God?
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
hm. i cant remember already.
9. My age?
10. Birthday?
august 13th
11. What is my hair color?
u highlighted it brown. but black hair growing growing.
12. Eye color?
eh..i think black.
13. Have you ever had a crush on me?
er. what do you think.
14. What's one of my favorite things to do?
shop. and drool over clothes. and perhaps whining at me?
15. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
no. i cant even remember my 1st impression of u.
16. What's my favorite type of music?
anything that sylvester perform. i think prolly songs with good lyrics.
17. What is the best feature about me?
u mean the face? maybe the hair.
18. Am I shy or outgoing?
no way are u close to being shy. so i guess outgoing.
19. Would you say I am funny?
funny? maybe. cold.
20. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
both. when needed.
21. Any special talents?
bake. yes yes. i hear you saying u are a f&n student.
22. What qualities do i have when it comes to friendship/love?
faithful and loyal?
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, silent, raver, or rocker, or something else?
a proud fairsian.
24. Have you ever seen me cry?
yes. or at least i think so. not sure leh.
25. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
er. i prefer to be polite and not say it.
26. What / Who do I love?
you love clothes/shopping.
you love sylvester.
27. Have i ever told you I liked you?
er. what degree of like. lol.
28. What type of guys do i do for?
guys like sylvester. like si ann.
ur taste for guys change.
29. When was the last time we spent time together?
hmm. sch? but those "times" i would think esplanade days.
30. What is my favorite food?
wah. you got me here. after so long ah. i think plenty loh.
31. My favorite movie?
magic kitchen? lol.
32. Do i have a pet?
doubt it.
33. What are the things u enjoy doing with me?
talking. sharing. laughing. working.
34. If we're together, are you proud of me?
no. not when "we are together".
35. Am I the type you'd want to marry?
er. far from. because of the gender.
36. If, in one hour, I'll be gone forever...what will be your last words for me?
i know you won`t be. but if need, i love you as my friend. and hope you love me too.(:
this is by
1. What's my name? dellia lim wei qi
2. Where did we meet? in schoooool...
3. Where do i live? in jurong west
4. How long have you known me? ermm...about close to 5 years! and counting!
5. How many siblings do i have? 1 annoying (in your own words) older brother
6. Do I smoke? ha! obviously not
7. Do I believe in God? yeppies
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression? i can't remember =)
9. My age? 17
10. Birthday? 13aug
11. What is my hair color? natural or fake? lol. black for natural. brown for fake. easy peasy.
12. Eye color? black
13. Have you ever had a crush on me?
ew. no.
14. What's one of my favorite things to do?
going to SI forums. *roll eyes*
15. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you? hi?
16. What's my favorite type of music? POP! LOL!!! u listen to everything lah. u like nice sentimental oldies and songs with beautiful lyricsss..
17. What is the best feature about me? as facial feature?
your booootiful new teeth!! 18. Am I shy or outgoing? outgoing all the wayyyyyy...
19. Would you say I am funny?
hell no. i just don't get ur warped humour sometimes. eww. syl. ewww. 20. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules? hmmm.. i doubt much fairsians follow the rules...
21. Any special talents?
u make one hella obsessive fan =) hmmm. hmmmm. yep.
22. What qualities do i have when it comes to friendship/love? loooooveee?
u become really nice and sweet. *shudders*
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, silent, raver, or rocker, or something else? u're dellia - originality!
24. Have you ever seen me cry? yep. i think?
25. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? deeeeeeeeeellia. obviously.
26. What / Who do I love?
27. Have i ever told you I liked you? yep. we're loving people. lol =)
28. What type of guys do i go for?
i have no idea.... i just can't find the similarities and trend in ur taste.
29. When was the last time we spent time together? last last week.
30. What is my favorite food? you eat almost anything...
31. My favorite movie? moulin rouge? hahah...
32. Do i have a pet?
yes. your computer. lol.
33. What are the things u enjoy doing with me? just chilling and slacking! hanging outtttt...
34. If we're together, are you proud of me?
i'm not lesbian. -_-"
35. Am I the type you'd want to marry?
hell NO!
36. If, in one hour, I'll be gone forever...what will be your last words for me?
bye dellia =)
this is by
1. What's my name?
Dellia Lim Wei QI
2. Where did we meet?
Fairfield Methodist Primary School Primary 5
3. Where do i live?
Jurong West
4. How long have you known me?
5. How many siblings do i have?
1 bro
6. Do I smoke?
not dat i noe of...
7. Do I believe in God?
8. When you first saw me, what was your impression?
cant really remember..its so long ago
9. My age?
10. Birthday?
11. What is my hair color?
brown with honey streaks...n now with a little black hair on top...
12. Eye color?
13. Have you ever had a crush on me?
14. What's one of my favorite things to do?
to go crazy after sly
15. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
16. What's my favorite type of music?
17. What is the best feature about me?
haha...hard to ans leh...
18. Am I shy or outgoing?
19. Would you say I am funny?
20. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
follow some rules...n rebel the rest
21. Any special talents?
erm...screaming loudly n wacking ppl?
22. What qualities do i have when it comes to friendship/love?
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, silent, raver, or rocker, or something else?
hippie, glam....
24. Have you ever seen me cry?
tonnes of times
25. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
guai lan xian nu...haha
26. What / Who do I love?
sylvester sim
27. Have i ever told you I liked you?
no...so sad...
28. What type of guys do i do for?
sylvester type...shirong?..haha
29. When was the last time we spent time together?
last last sat i think...
30. What is my favorite food?
im not sure...u eat everything
31. My favorite movie?
im not sure...u watch everything
32. Do i have a pet?
33. What are the things u enjoy doing with me?
34. If we're together, are you proud of me?
35. Am I the type you'd want to marry?
erm...not exactly...
36. If, in one hour, I'll be gone forever...what will be your last words for me?
all the best....
DAMN FUNNY LAR. i think ALL of them said i love sylvester. his name is like, mentioned at least once in all of their replies. LOL. and magic kitchen as my fave movie..yea, its one of my faves. lol~ so funny. but i've only gotten 4 replies so far. boohoo. i hope wai lreng replies. and daniel too. and everyone else that i emailed it to! wheeeeeeee. :))))
8:31 PM
damn. i had to do accountings at work. posting the journal entries. though i used the com. man, as if i dont get enough of accountings in school...URGHS. but it's fun. although it's quite scary doing accountings stuff for such a huge company. i'll DIE if i screwed things up. was damn tired in the morning. like, urgh. i lost count of how many times i yawned man. like a yawn every other minute or something. well you cant blame me alright. i slept at 430AM and woke up at 7? man, i wonder how did i manage to survive till now. geez. im amazed. *gasp* okay whatever.
sigh. why do i have to work at Great World City. there's Zara there to tempt the hell outta me. was with my mum and i saw SO many to-die-for clothes. those power-dressing suits, jackets, pants. man, they looked super chic alright! but the price's even nicer. damn. wonder what's with my obsession about jackets and suits. i feel like i havea huge ego or something. ha, crap what the heck am i talking about?! slap me someone. argh i cant stand being near Zara and not being able to lay my hands on those Gorgeous(yes, gorgeous with a capital G) clothes. and i only get my salary at the end of the month. but oh well, it's better than nothing. alrightys im off. ciao~
10:32 PM
woke up at various times again this morning. the only time i remember distinctly was that i woke up at 8+ in pain. was having stomach cramps. urghs. feeling so damn uncomfortable. was trying hard to get more sleep, but i couldnt. but i think i feel asleep at around 9. yea anyway.
my mum got me a job interview at her office today at 230PM. so i went down to Great World, and had a brief interview with this HR lady and some finance manager i think. so she said it shldnt be a problem, and she'll get the HR ppl to give me a call on when to start work. then i went down to the food court for lunch alone, had beef noodles. not very nice. blech. was eating halfway when the HF lady called and asked me to report for work at 9AM tmw. yea, think i'll be doing data entry and some basic accounting stuff. my mum told me i'll be paid $8 per hour. and thats a lot. and i might have to work on weekends too. but i guess its alright since i can have lunch with my mum everyday and save a lot on that. muahahahaha.
hope the job wont be too boring or anything. thats what i hate about office jobs. argh. time just seem to stand still. remembered that job i got at the hamper company early this year..and man, i hated it. i only stayed cos my mum got me the job through her friend. i hope this job wont be as monotonous(sp?) as the previous one. i'll seriously die of absolute boredom. anyway the lady asked if i knew how to type, so i guess i'll probably be staring at the computer 24/7. heh. as if i dont do it enough at home. =| oh well. i can never get enough of them anyway.
somehow, i dont feel happy or excited that i got a job now. maybe becos im starting to get used to the sleep-at-4, wake-up-at-1, go-online, watch-DVDs life that i dont wanna get my butt up and work. and now that i have to wake up at like, 7 in the morning, i dont think i can stay up that late anymore. maybe until 2AM or something. oh well. gotta sacrifice something i guess. wei lien figured i'll earn $1440 in a month. woohoo~ but i think there's gonna be a CPF cut. yea. okay im gonna bathe now. bye~
8:16 PM
saw these lyrics posted on someone's blog..and they're really nice..so i went to download the song.
Shawn Colvin
Never Saw Blue Like That
Today, we took a walk up the street,
picked a flower, climbed the hill above the lake.
And secret thoughts were said aloud,
We watched the faces in the clouds,
Until the clouds had blown away.
And were we ever somewhere else?
You know, its hard to say.
I never saw blue like that before.
Across the sky, around the world,
You're giving me all you have and more.
And no one else has ever shown me how
To see the world the way I see it now.
Oh I, I never saw blue like that.
I can't believe, a month ago,
I was alone,
I didn't know you,
I hadn't seen you or heard your name.
And even now, I'm so amazed,
It's like a dream, it's like a rainbow, it's like the rain.
And some things are the way they are.
And words just can't explain.
And I never saw blue like that before.
Across the sky, around the world,
You're giving me all you have and more.
And no one else has ever shown me how,
To see the world the way I see it now.
Oh I, I never saw blue like that before.
And it feels like now, and it feels always
And it feels like coming home.
Never saw blue like that before.
Across the sky, around the world,
You're giving me all you have and more.
And no one else has ever shown me how,
To see the world the way I see it now.
Oh I never saw blue like that before.
Oh I, I never saw blue like that..
2:04 PM