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Sunday, October 31, 2004
skipped meeting yday. went to town with my parents. we left home around 3PM..pretty late cos we waited for my dad to end work. went to Coffee Club at taka for a drink. bought 2 books from Kino. finally i have something to read again, although i still have loads of other books to buy as you can see on the left of my blog. :P bought Levi's #593 too. walked around and left town around 7PM+ to meet my brother for dinner at the coffee shop near my house.

woke up at 12 today even though i slept at like, 330AM. didnt sleep well i guess. i woke up at 4 cos i thought i fell asleep while waiting for wei lien's msg. but i was just dreaming i think..hahaha. then i realised we stopped msging bout an hour ago. man, im so silly. woke up again at 7, 9, 10 and 11AM. dunno why either. slept from 230-630PM. had nothing to do you see, and to me, sleep is the most effective way of killing time. :)

wanted to go out with guohao and elena tmw, but guohao ends school at like, 430PM? and he has to rush home to do PW..so it means another day to rot at home. ARGH! im getting sick of my house already. greaw. and im so freaking broke! i prob wont have money to spend on x'mas presents..which is a big NONO! argh. this sucks.

oh yea. victoria said her dad allow her to go to Jay's concert now. but she have to leave earlier cos she has to reach the airport 2 hours before her flight. woohoo~! all worries gone. :))))

watched the trailers of these movies and i think i wanna watched 'em.
1. Before Sunset
2. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (there's even a game of this on Yahoo! and MSN games. cool.)
3. The Phantom of the Opera (i never knew what this whole story was about. serious.)
4. In Good Company
5. Ladder 49 (wee cheng said i'll cry a lot)
6. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (i HAVE to watch this)


9:45 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2004
"2046 is about a man who attempts to leave behind his past to bury that which he cannot forget yet the burden of what he has to carry makes it almost impossible to move beyond what he has done and seen.

All of us in a conscious or unconscious way leave behind memories in order to begin new lives. Some maybe do it only once; others do it constantly."

got it off the 2046 webbie. its in flash and its pretty cool. well, to me at least. although the flash can get quite irritating at times. go check it out HERE.

yup, you guessed it. i caught 2046. well, most ppl who watched it didnt really understand it. but i guess i did. well, most of it i guess. or so i think. ;) i love the soundtrack. but i doubt i'll go buy it cos im currently broke. anyway. they even played "sway" in the background. yea, michael buble. sway. yes, olinda sang it. i thought 2046 was okay..some parts were kinda boring though. luckily i didnt fall asleep. i hardly fall asleep in cinemas anyway. the only time i remember was when we (guang yang, tiff, gh, kelvin) went to watch Matrix Revolutions(or is it Reloaded?) after school. it was AFTER school you see. naturally i was tired. oh well whatever.

have you ever felt helpless? that you want to help, but there's nothing you can do? i think im feeling pretty helpless now. i dont know what to do. man this sucks. i dont know what i can do either. she seems troubled. or shld i say, she IS troubled. depressed. whatever. i dont know what i can do. i hate this. i want people around me to be happy. can you teach me how?

11:02 PM


"Everyone who goes to 2046 has the same intention

To recapture their lost memories

Because in 2046, nothing ever changes

Nobody can be sure that this is true

Because nobody who goes there ...

... has ever come back

Except for me

Because I do need change"

Chow Mo Wan, 2046

2:20 PM

im bored. so dont mind me. here's a great song. enjoy :)

Sarah McLachlan

Heaven bent to take my hand
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight

Truth be told I've tried my best
But somewhere along the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
And the cost was so much more than I could bear

Though I've tried, I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I have messed up

Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so

We all begin with good intent
Love was raw and young
We believed that we could change ourselves
The past could be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden
Time always reveals
The lonely light of morning
The wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
That I have held so dear

Heaven bent to take my hand
Nowhere left to turn
I'm lost to those I thought were friends
To everyone I know
Oh they turned their heads embarassed
Pretend that they don't see
But it's one missed step
One slip before you know it
And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed

1:19 AM

The Perfect Guy
Created by madhatter and taken 5101 times on bzoink!

Hair color? nothing outrageous.
Eye color? most asian guys have black or brown eyes i guess. nothing hideous like green or whatever.
Height? 175 and taller?
Six pack? that would be a bonus
Long hair or short? preferably short
Glasses? its okay with me
Piercings? maybe not.
Eyebrows? erm, yea?
Big butt or little? doesnt really matter..
Chest hair? no.
Buff or skinny? doesnt really matter..
Teeth? huh??? of course he must have teeth!

Section 2
Funny or serious? be funny when he's supposed to; and be serious at the appropriate times.
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? stay-at-home
Should he be able to bake or cook? its a bonus
Should he have a best friend? why not.
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends? erm, yea.
Out-going or shy? somewhere in between.
Sarcastic or sincere? somewhere in between.
Does he love his mother? well, i guess he shld..
Should he watch chick-flicks? why not.
Would he be a smoker? dont think so.
How about a drinking? its okay to drink
And swearing? same here. but not too much lar.
Would he play with your hair? haha, i dont know. maybe.
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time? no i hope not.
Would he pay for you when you're on a date? it doesnt really matter cos i dont mind paying for myself either.
Does he kiss on the first date? i guess it depends
Where would you go for dinner? anyway affordable and nice.
Would he buy you flowers? i'd love them :)
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? haha, i dont mind.
Would he write poetry about you? i'd be flattered.
Would he use endearments? maybe.
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends? once in a while shld be okay i guess.
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends? prob once in a while.
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? that would be so sweet.
Would you hold hands? we'll see ;)

Section 3
Does he play soccer? -
Baseball? -
Football? -
Basketball? -
Water polo? -
Golf or something equally boring? -
Does he surf? -
Skateboard? -
Snowboard? -
Can he sing? -
Play the guitar? -
Play piano? -
Play the drums? -
Can he keep his room clean? -
Is he an artist of sorts? -
Does he write his own music? -
Does he have pets? -

Section 4
Does he use the word dude? -
How about tight? -
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you? that would be nice.
What kind of car does he drive? -
How old is he? -
What's his name? there is no "he". haha. :)

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

12:20 AM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Media Countdown
Created by aradia and taken 0 times on bzoink!

Ten Current Favorite Songs
1. on my way down - ryan cabrera
2. love will keep us alive - eagles
3. qi li xiang - jay
4. hui dao guo qu - jay
5. gui ji - jay
6. hound dog - sylvester. ha!
7. let's groove - sylvester. :)
8. i don't want to miss a thing - aerosmith & sylvester ;)
9. iris - goo goo dolls
10. qing fei de yi - harlem yu

Nine Favorite Artists
1. goo goo dolls
2. r.e.m.
3. jay
4. jerry yen
5. sylvester :)
6. david tao
7. the corrs
8. wang lee hom
9. eason chan

Eight Favorite Movies
1. armaggeddon
2. 10 things i hate about you
3. finding nemo
4. charlie's angels: full throttle
5. the day after tomorrow
6. spider-man, spider-man 2
7. how to lose a guy in 10 days
8. turn left turn right

Seven Favorite Actors/Actresses
1. kirsten dunst
2. louis koo
3. hugh grant
4. jake gyllenhaal
5. julia roberts
6. cameron diaz
7. kate hudson

Six Lyrics That Say Something About Your Life
1. "you played with my heart, you played with my mind, but i miss you finally.." - miss you finally by trademark
2. "on my way down i saw you and you saved me from myself" - on my way down by ryan cabrera
3. "xiang hui dao guo qu, shi zhe rang gu shi ji xu.." - hui dao gup qu by jay
4. "and you know that i'll be at your side there's no need to worry.." - at your side by the corrs
5. "and i dont want the world to see me, cos i dont think that they'd understand.." - iris by goo goo dolls
6. "zhi pa wo zi ji hui ai shang ni" - qing fei de yi by harlem yu

Five Favorite Books
1. Shopaholic series (its more than 5 but i dont care)
2. Adrian Mole series (same here)
3. Totto-chan The Little Girl At The Window
4. Jemima J.
5. The Boy Next Door

Four Favorite TV Shows
1. SI
2. America's Next Top Model
3. LXHY 1 & 2
4. almost all HK drama serials

Three Favorite Authors
1. without a doubt, Sophie Kinsella
2. Jane Green
3. Meg Cabot

Two Songs You Hate
1. anything that is remixed
2. techno of any sort

One Famous Person You Can't Stand!
1. paris hilton? oh whatever. i dont really give a shi*t.

3:52 PM

[the alphabet survey]
Created by thetoasternetwork and taken 7199 times on bzoink!

Act your age: sometimes i guess.
Born on what day of the week: thursday (yes, i checked)
Chore you hate: vacuuming.
Dad's name: steven
Essentail make-up item: lip gloss (well at least thats all i know how to put on. heh)
Favorite actors/actresses: kirsten dunst, julia roberts, hugh grant, louis koo and some others i cant recall
Gold or sliver: silver
Hometown: -
Instruments you play: used to play the drums in GB
Job title: -
Kids: -
Living arrangements: mum dad bro
Mom's name: alice
Number of socks you own: prob around 10 or so, including my sch socks
Overnight hospital stays: cant remember..
Phobia: dont have any. i guess.
Quote you like: too many.
Religious affiliation: christianity?
Siblings: 1 brother
Time you woke up today: 130PM
Unusual habits: i swallow my phelgm if i have no place to spit it out..
Vicious thing you've done: scolded/bitched someone till that person cried
Worst habit: too many..haha.
X-rays you've had: quite a few..maybe around 8?
Your favorite season: there are no seasons in s'pore, but i like winter although i'll freeze.
Zodiac sign: leo. *roar*

3:44 PM

Monday, October 25, 2004
im bored. so im gonna post a song. sounds really soothing to the ears..nice lyrics too. enjoy, while i continue boring myself to death. ciao.

Kelly Chen
Lover's Concerto

how gentle is the rain
that falls softly
on the meadow
birds high up on the trees
serenade the clouds with their melodies

see there beyond the hills
the bright colors of the rainbow
some magic from above
made this day for us just to fall in love

you'll hold me in your arms
and say once again you'll love me
and if your love is true
everything will be just as wonderful

now i belong to you
from this day until forever

just love me tenderly and i'll give to you
every part of me
oh don't ever make me cry
through long lonely nights without love
be always true to me
keep this day in your heart eternally
you'll hold me in your arms
and say once again you love me
and if your love is true
everything will be just as wonderful

10:23 PM

okay. so i've just finish reading Shopaholic & Sister. so what do i do now? im so bored! sigh. :(

6:31 PM


Created by alison and taken 7003 times on bzoink!

current clothingsome over-sized tee i bought in thailand, FBT
current moodultimate bore.
current tasteapple. just ate one not too long ago.
current hairfrizzy and in a mess.
current annoyancethe weather.
current smellnuthin'..
current thing you ought to be doingout, hunting for a job..
current jewelryring on my left middle finger; bracelet from SIX, some diamond pendant and chain.
current bookShopaholic & Sister by Sophie Kinsella. about to complete it liao.
current refreshmentnuthin'.
current worryexam results i guess.
current crushsylvester. ha.
current favorite celebrityokay i know sylvester isnt exactly a celeb, but who cares.
current longingfor thursday to come soon; to get a job....
current musiccan u feel the love tonight by elton john.
current wishget a job, asap.
current lyric in your headdont have any.
current makeup (if you're a girl!)none.
current undergarmentsbra + underwear? like, duh.
current regretdont really care.
current desktop picturethe "sucidal" picture which was on my old blog.
current plans for tonight/weekendwatch tv; stay online till late..
current cuss word du journone.
current disappointmentnone.
current amusementnothing..
current IM/person you're talking tohe just disappeared. yes, its you. wei lien.
current lovesylvester? haha.
current obsessiongotta be sylvester i guess. :)
current avoidanceno one..
current thing or things on your walli removed my posters of Jay and F4 liao.
current favorite bookShopaholic & Sister. although the main character is starting to get on my nerves..
current favorite moviei wanna watch Sky Captain, Wimbledon and 2046..

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

5:28 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2004
some quiz. really bored. i need a job!! argh!!

Sex:: female
Location:: singapore, jw.
Eye Colour: black.
Hair Colour:: brown-ish highlights with black hair growing from my scalp. damn, i need a dye job soon.
Colour:: brown, dirty green.
Food:: anything and everything.
Author:: sophie kinsella, jane green, suez townsend, meg cabot, lisa jewell and prob a few others i cant rmb.
TV Prog:: HK drama serials on cable, Singapore Idol, America\'s Next Top Model and stuff.
Film:: 10 things i hate about you, the day after tomorrow, spider-man 1&2, armaggeddon,
Band:: goo goo dolls, r.e.m., the corrs, jars of clay
Person [Real or Fictional]: rebecca bloomwood. haha! luke brandon? totto-chan maybe. ha i dunno.
Place:: home maybe. somewhere with great food and good bargains.
Possesion:: laptop, handphone, CDs, clothes, accessories, anything i bought with my own money..
Music:: jay, goo goo dolls, david tao, penny dai, wang lee hom, hymns, pop, rock, r&b etc.
Do You...
Drink:: you can say so. my dad just encouraged me to..
Take Drugs:: like cocaine? gee no way!
Have any tatoos:: no.
Have any piercings:: yea.
Smoke:: no.
Have you Ever...
Broken any laws:: yea.
Intensionally hurt someone:: yea.
Intensionally hurt something:: erm, i cant rmb.
Had Sex:: no.
Kissed someone of the same sex as yourself:: no.
And Finally...
Have you or would you lie for your own ends:: maybe.
Would you ever consider breaking a law:: already did.
Have you/would you put yourself in danger to save a friend:: yes. but depends on who. ha.
Have you/would you put yourself in danger to save a stranger:: yes.
Who is your role model:: i dunno.
Pepsi or coke:: pepsi twist, vanilla coke.
McD's or BK:: neither.
Pizza or pasta:: pasta.
Who would you most like to be:: some big time lawyer..?

9:01 PM

sigh im bored!
im poor and i need a job!
somebody save me.
boohoo. :'(

5:53 PM

met up with kelvin, guohao and elena just now. went to Pasta Mania at Cine for dinner. man, it was damn freaking crowded. was damn full. i dont eat that much nowadays. damn. went Heerens to take neoprint. lol. we kept screaming man! and me and kelvin were acting cool with that Sylvester pose, while elena and guohao tried to act cute. -_-" walked around a bit and guohao stopped outside Bloomington to buy lollipop from some machine. pretty cool. was about to leave when i saw this familiar face walking outta the shop. didnt really recognise who it was immediately, cos the person's hair kinda covered her side view. couldnt instantly recognise the person. then i just said "wee cheng?", and she turned. woohoo~ her hairstyle is totally different so maybe thats why i couldnt instantly identify her. she looked kinda stunned; shocked. but i was pretty excited okay. havent seen her in ages. she looked so darn cool. always thought she has this thing about her..an aura of some sort. something really mysterious and breathtaking. (p/s: im not exaggerating yea) and guohao and all was saying she look like some model(cos she's so damn tall) and fair. and the way she walks is like, super zai. like, she does it so nonchalantly but she looked so cool. there's just thing, thing. and her top was like, kinda cool. ;) okay anyway. i bet i sound like some lesbian now.

(damn i forgot what did we do after leaving Heerens)

oh. now i remembered. we wanted to go to McCafe at Lido. so we walked there(duh!) but there were no seats available, so we went to Starbucks near Borders. saw mollie and her bf there. forgot his name. heh. sat there for a while, taking crappy photos and all(i'll put the link up soon) left at about 9+ i think. walked around more before we left. i took MRT while they went to take 105. was msging wee cheng along the way. asked if she was taking MRT too. so she said she'll accompany me home. so i waited at Somerset for her and she came after a while. was just chatting all the way home. and suddenly it was my stop. time always pass so very quickly when you have company. and when you're all alone, it just seem to take aggeeeess to get by. gotta have to meet up with her and jeremy soon. havent seen him in ages too. wonder how he looks like with braces. ha! :P

oh yea. anyone wants to go to Jay's concert with me? was supposed to go with victoria, but now she cant go cos she have a flight at 12MN on the same say as the concert, so if she goes, she will prob miss her flight or something. so now, i have to find someone who's willing to pay $130 to go to the concert with me. but if we cant find someone, then i think i'll just put the tickets up on Yahoo! auctions or something. so any kind soul with money to spare willing to accompany poor me here? :'(

okay im off now. ciao.

2:44 AM

Saturday, October 23, 2004
whoa whoa. exams are finally over. POA was pretty managable considering the fact that i only pia-ed a bit of it the day before. econs was bad. hope i wont fail any module. i dont wanna go through the torture of repeating those modules again. anyways.

bought the black sling bag i wanted from FE yday. looks exactly like projectshop's, although the quality is kinda different. went kino and bought Shopaholic & Sister. cool. wanted to get it for ages, and finally i couldnt resist the urge to lay my hands on it yday. :P was telling myself "i cannot NOT buy this book." hahaha. so i went ahead to buy it even though it costs me $25.20. :( im broke. spent like $60 on thursday.

went to sandee's to stay over! rented movies and bought my DVDs over. but we watched SI first. like, duh! cos of me. muahahaha! Sylvester sang "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing", and its my favourite song of all time. woohoo. prob sang it for me. HA! kidding! :P man, i wish. haha, prob in my dreams or something. wonder how many ppl puked after reading that "prob sang it for me." line. HA! HA! HA! im mad. sue me. lol. anyway. i didnt think his performance was *that* impressive as the judges made it out to be. i thought it was kinda weak although the screaming part was way cool. haha. and i gotta admit, shi rong does look a little like him. ARGH!!! -faints- anyway i didnt really pay attention to all of their performances, even Sylvester's. or shld i say especially Sylvester's. cos Ms Dorcas, Sandee & Tiffany were making helluva noise and were screaming along with Sylvester. ARGH. i so wanted to shut them up. :( couldnt really hear what he said on his video. and there was this part where he was playing his guitar, he was just wearing his jacket, so u could see his body. and guess what Ms Dorcas Lum said. "eee! no abs!" like, 'cuse me. *rolls eyes* sheesh. shallow girl. sigh. anyway enuff of SI.

watched a few shows till 12 i think. then we walked tiffany home. haha. it was so cold. brrrr. by the time we got back to sand's place, was already 130AM. watched the original Dirty Dancing. quite nice, although it was a bit boring in the beginning. the dances are kinda cool. i wanna watch Dirty Dancing 2 now. any DVDs to lend? we went to bed around 5AM. haha. was doing stupid stuffs like laughing at ppl's friendster accounts and all. and sandee and dorcas were like singing in bed..black eyed peas "shut up" and what have you. think i fell asleep quite quickly. we woke up at like, 1PM. haha. watched 13 going on 30 in the afternoon. stayed till 4PM+ before we left. i went home while sand & dorcas went to town. i think.

Maia got eliminated today. dont really have much comments about her. i dont really like her in the first place, so its no biggie for me that she got the boot. but she was up against Sylvester. i almost died of a heart attack alright. stupid Gurmit. greaw. anyway i only voted twice this week, and if Sylvester got voted out, i would stab myself to death man. luckily for me. oh, there was this stupid crap about Maia and Sylvester dating. like, wtf. some bloodying f-ing bugger who calls himself "sylvester"(what an insult to the real guy) keeps posting thrashy comments on the SI forum. i so wanna swear at him. anyway i dont believe the rumours. its so dumb. why would Sylvester like Maia anyway. dont think he has such bad taste lar. heard he's got a pretty girlfriend(what?!?!?!) anyway.

prob gonna meet guohao, elena and kelvin tmw for dinner after youth. alrightys im off. ciao~

1:20 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2004
got my retainers on thursday and it makes me wanna puke. its so uncomfortable when i first wore it. my tongue feels so restrained cos of the plastic palettes(sp?) but im getting used to it liao, so shldnt be too much a problem. but it feels uncomfortable when i eat when it on. and taking it out is like so unglam, especially in public. but my dentist gave me this sparkly(whoa.) case to put the retainers. okay enuff 'bout my wired up mouth. :)

had BMGT exam today. was a little late. was supposed to report at 840AM but i was there around 850+. so couldnt enter the examination hall. lol. first exam in NP and i was "late". cool. saw yufen and kangni too. lol. BMGT exam was a TOTAL BORE lar okay. worse than Lit. i could have fallen asleep and wake up with drool all over my papers if the examiner didnt say the 4-letter magic word, as in S-T-O-P. but anyway, BMGT was managable/passable. hope i wont have to retake it. 1 down, 2 to go. woohoooo~!

okay SI time. this week's theme was totally HORRENDOUS. my goodness. even Sylvester was quite bad. guess lotsa ppl were disappointed with his performance. budden again, like he said, disco isn't really his genre of muzik. i thought Taufik was the best that night. but overall, everyone was just singing thrash lar ah. next week's shld be better. i hope he(ie, Sly) does better. afterall they get to choose they "favourite singer" or whatever. poor Jerry got the boot this week. ppl at the SI forum said the results might be rigged. i dunno 'bout that, but i kinda "like" Jerry a little bit more now. i think he's quite a sincere and real person. he's pretty strong too you know. and now, i really dislike Christopher. man, his singing is CRAP! blech!

okay im tired. time for bed. ciao~ ;)

12:30 AM

Monday, October 11, 2004

hehe he looks cute here. lol!

10:18 PM

he really love winking his left eye huh..

10:15 PM

got this from the official SI website. see that black choker on his neck? he *always* wears that.

10:15 PM


i just found out that Sylvester's younger sis(her name's stacie) is my cousin's classmate!! *faints* and he asked Sylvester's sis to get his autograph, and my auntie told me Sylvester wrote something like "thank you for your support blah blah" SO CUTE! and my cousin's only p4! lol! i think its damn nice of him lar..lol. and my auntie says she'll bring the autograph for me tmw! muahahaha! :D i think im seriously going crazy. i cant believe the way im reacting either. lol. now im quite convinced that Sylvester is living around Lakeside/Boon Lay area. okay okay, relax. im NOT going to stalk him whatsoever yea. anyway im having my exams in a few days, so i dont have time to do that. plus, even if i want to stalk him or whatever, i'll do it AFTER my exams on the 21st! WAHAHAHAHA! okay okay, im really just kidding. serious.

anyway. i really want to go to the finals which i heard, will be held at the Indoor Stadium. wonder how i can get tickets to it..anyone knows? yen ping?? your aunt working at Mediacorp izzit??

8:56 PM

Sunday, October 10, 2004
okay. you wont believe what i did just now. heh. yea, i went to the LIME outdoor thingy at cine with guohao and kelvin. LOL. seriously cant believe i actually did *that* but oh well, i went. and i didnt regretted going. ha!

left youth meeting earlier after the hymn singing to meet guohao at somerset. guohao gave me a call before that and said it was quite crowded, so we went to check it out. but realised it wasn't lar. there were quite a lot of ppl, but not *that* many. hung around inside for quite a while until kelvin came cos he was watching some movie with LPU. kelvin came around 5+ and insisted we go outside where the stage was, so we went out in the open. and it was so stuffy and warm. saw Pug Jelly perform(boring). waited and waited. and waited when suddenly everyone suddenly flashed their banners/placards. then guohao said the SI ppl were there already. he said he said Jerry and Taufik, but i coulnt see anyone cos i was too short. damn. then Daniel Ong and Jamie Yeo came up and said something about SI. then the crowded suddenly went mad and everyone suddenly squeezed forward.

then they appeared one by one, and it was Sylvester's turn and the crowded just screamed like mad. me and kelvin cheered. lol! cos we're both Sylvester's supporters mah. :P and when it was Jerry's turn, everyone just boo-ed! it was damn sad lar..kinda pitied him. and you gotta applaud this guy cos amidst all the jeering, he just kept on smiling and keeping his cool. his attitude is commendable man. and the SI ppl was like asking the audience to cheer for him and stuffs. Jerry and Sylvester seem quite close cos i saw Sylvester putting his arm around Jerry a few times in attempt to encourage him i guess. and Sylvester kept hiding behind Leandra..so most of my pics include her too. hmm, he didnt grin/smile/wink/whatever as much just now..in fact, he seems kinda tired. guess their schedules are prob packed to the brim. the SI peeps stayed only for like 1/2 an hour. was quite close to Sylvester but didnt really managed to take a ultra clear shot cos the media ppl(and not forgetting this fat guy twice Sylvester's size blocking him) were taking photos too.

guohao wanted to leave but i kept whining and asked him to stay longer. hehe. they left from this Roof Access door behind the stage. was there but i didnt dared to move close cos i was afraid i might get shoved to the ground or something..like guohao. haha. some girl pushed and pulled his shirt. LOL. went BK to eat after that. was quite crazy man. ppl were running here and there. crazy sia. i hope Jay's concert wont be like this. i will get trampled to death! *gasp* haha yea yea whatever. think im still suffering from post seeing-sylvester syndrome. haha! :P uploading to photos on imagestation now. will link it here later. hehe. oh yah. stupid guohao say shi rong look like Sylvester!! *pengs* PUH-LEASE OKAY? no way.

okay i think i wrote enuff. i think im gonna faint.....................

12:18 AM

Friday, October 08, 2004
whoa whoa. guess what? i removed my braces today! heh heh. my mouth feels damn weird now. its like suddenly so empty and spacious..not used to it at all. frankly speaking, i miss my braces A LOT. ive gotten so used to it and it has also become a part of me. didnt expect the dentist to remove my braces today either. he was like "we can remove it today"(or something like that), then he asked for my opinion, then i was like a bit stunned and just said "oh okay". seriously feels damn weird lar! not used to it. but i still gotta wear retainers though. gotta go collect it next week. hmm anyways.

went holland coffee bean to study after my dental. yea, was alone. was kinda noisy but i had my discman. wrote econs notes until 430+ before i left. went online and saw some bloody bugger flooding sylvester's thread in the SI forum. some bugger called uuu. whatever yea.

SIGH. david. just because of one not-so-good performance. jerry shld just go and kill himself. i think christopher will prob get the boot soon. anyway i dont think he's cute. in fact i think he's kinda fat. hmmm. oh yah. there's this LIME birthday bash thing happening at cine tmw. and the SI peeps are gonna be there. might be meeting guohao and kelvin to go down and take a look. okay, i know i shld be studying..but, ahhh. one day only nvm right? :P hope i get to see sylvester! HAHAHA. dorcas is so gonna kill me. :P

im the braces girl no more. :(

11:45 PM

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
okay im all ready to blog now. :)

pia-ed BMGT on saturday and sunday. finally completed everything yday. got quite frustrated at some points in time..well, i guess i've learnt a few lessons from this project alone, so shld i say this whole damn sem? whateverrr. we all gotta make wise choices next sem huh. right yufen, kangni, paul? :P anyways!

study week this week! think i'll be meeting guohao tmw to study. cant contact him now..damn. i'll call again later. cant wait for the exams to get over..then i'll go get a job and earn (loads) of cash to spend. think we might be going snorkelling at pulau redang..not confirmed though. gotta see who's going and stuff. i hope we can get to go..paul said its gonna cost about $242, so i definitely needa get a job no matter what. ahh, dunno what im talking about. -_-"

oh yea. gotta mention this here. was quite pissed with last week's SI results. guess everyone is/was. i almost cried when gurmit singh announced that jerry was "safe". i really do hope jeassea comes back. anyways. you know, i think sylvester's kinda cute. LOL. :P ive gotten a bit obssessed(not really obssessed lar..) with him. hurhur. i even bought a copy of LIME cos it featured the SI peeps. i think he and olinda will get into the top 3. if jeassea was still in, i think she would get in too. hope jerry gets the boot this week. greaw. oh yah, check out sylvester's band here at http://lzefier.fruiit.net and if you cant recognise him, he's "messenger". yea. so..haha.

hmm yufen, paul, kangni they all gonna watch New Police Story tmw..and they're meeting at 1030. but ive arranged to meet guohao, so...... was thinking of joining them then meet him later..but, ahhh. i dunno.

okay, im off to watch the SI videos now. (and yes, that's what i was doing while blogging. oh, was watching ANTM too) kudos to SYLVESTER! p/s: heard joanna supports him too! heh heh! :)

12:19 AM

Sunday, October 03, 2004
ahhhhhhhhhh..my bones are about to give way liao!! argh! been doing BMGT project since 3,4PM. can die. now gotta wait for fanny to come online then i can send her the final copy before printing it. ARGH! fanny where are you?! *plonks on the ground*

FINALLY. no more projects for this year. this is so shitty. ahh, forget it. dont wanna waste my breath complaining.

ahh freak it. im too tired to blog. i'll do it tmw. bye. off to die.

11:53 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004
had wcomm test today. was quite okay for me i guess. we had 2 hours, but i managed to complete the 3 questions in 1 1/2 hours. was quite relieved when i saw the questions. hope i can get a good grade. i hope i get a overall grade of B. *crosses fingers*

watched Singapore Idol just now. i hope jerry doesnt get in. i dislike him. i quite like daphne, sylvester, david, jeassea and olinda. leandra's not bad too though. i hope they all get in! wonder how many are they gonna select..does anyone know? SI ended at 930, so i misse my 9PM show on cable. gotta stay up till 0120AM to catch the repeat. arrghh..oh well. tmw only got IAC. which starts at 3. but think gotta go school earlier to pia BMGT.

speaking of BMGT, today only 9 ppl turned up for the revision tutorial. that's me, faith, rui, paul, dee, choon yea, lissa, michelle and ben ng. played some board game. quite alright i guess. our last tutorial. wheeeeee. i dont particularly like BMGT anyway. in fact i prefer POA more even though i always get so confused. blech!

went home to sleep after BMGT which ended at 1015. woke up at 2PM and studied a bit. oh yah, yday i went holland BK to study with guohao. we saw emileen there with this not-so-good-looking guy. but i doubt its her bf anyway. she was wearing this black off-shoulder top. quite nice, i like. heh. studied from 3-7. i hope i can maintain this "standard" of studying. heh. hmm gonna be quite free next week. lotsa time to study. anyone game?

mon- 1-2PM BCA, 2-4PM econs
tues- no school! :)
wed- econs revision lect. maybe ponning? dunno.
thurs- 1-3PM POA revision tutorial
fri- dental!

ha ha ha. cant wait to get over and done with the exams. 3 papers. wheeeeeee. bumped into sandee yday near the library. heh heh! i miss her so much! :( i miss felicia, tiffany and dorcas too! :( we have GOT to go out soon alright! ;)

oh. i bought a new pair of spectacle frames on sunday! wheeeeeee. its a plastic purple one and i love it so much! yay. and my mum bought the pair of ballet pumps i wanted from Xodus for me! :D

okay gotta go. bye!

12:10 PM





Everybody wants a piece of Bryanboy
Yeeha Cowboy
Dubdew X Y Z
She knew you wouldn't understand
Snippets of life
How now brown cow?
Because he rather not be Daniel-san
Hush, they might hear you
Mac evangelist Popagandhi
Everybody has secrets
You've seen herbefore
Cameraphone-driven moblog
Waiter waiter
Insert witty quote here


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Creator: Clara

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